The 2021 Best of Detroit awards

Image: The 2021 Best of Detroit awards

After 19 miserable months of you-know-what — geez, has it really been this long? — we’re happy to publish this year’s Best of Detroit winners. Not only is it a break from what we normally do here, but it’s the one issue of the year where you, Metro Times readers, get to have your say. And not only that, but it’s an issue that’s all about positivity, and we sure could use some of that right now. Thousands of you took the time to respond to our Best of Detroit poll this year, naming the people, places, and things that metro Detroit should be celebrating. Many are first-time winners, which is great to see, while others have graced this issue before, which, after losing so many businesses in the past year, is worthy of celebration as well. Thank you, as always, for reading, and for voting and supporting your city. Without further ado, the winners are...