Meet Detroit rapper Milfie, the princess of bad bitch rap and ghettotech
By Jasmine Espy
Detroit rapper MotorKam heads to Ghost Light for genre-bending new record release
Staff Pick
Tags: City Slang, Detroit, MotorKam, Ghost Light, Hamtramck, Video
As Little Miss Flint, Amariyanna ‘Mari’ Copeny continues to shine a light on the water crisis
The People Issue
Tags: The People Issue, Amariyanna "Mari" Copeny, Little Miss Flint, The People Issue, Cover Story
R&B singer Charity makes music for Detroit, in Detroit
Tags: Local Music, Charity, Charity Ward, Detroit, R&B
Ingrid LaFleur’s Afrofuturist ‘Manifest Destiny’ makes it clear the future is Black
Tags: Visual Art, Ingrid LaFleur, Afrofuturism, THERE ARE BLACK PEOPLE IN THE FUTURE
AfroFuture Fest changes ticket structure after controversy
Tags: City Slang, AfroFuture Fest, Detroit, Tiny Jag