ARIES (March 21- April 20):
You have gone out of your way or, over the top in the name of love, or for the sake of whatever your heart's desire has called you to do. Waiting to reap what you've sown, some of you understand that it does no good to let expectation ruin the purity of your efforts. Others are impatiently wondering how much longer it will take for your ship to come in. If you reside in the former category, trust me: What is meant to be yours will arrive organically, by default. If you occupy the latter case, lose your ego, find your patience, and stop needing this to happen more than anything.
TAURUS (April 21 -May 20):
You don't need to press your case. As much as it feels like the right thing to do, a different strategy is needed in this situation — a dose of realism wouldn't be a bad idea, either. You've been here enough times to know where it goes. In the act of holding your horses you just might get to see that you need this like a hole in the head. Others are either going to prove their worth or force you to confront your reasons for being drawn to the same old thing. You've got so many better things to do. Focus on your gifts and your own life. If this is meant to be it'll happen naturally.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20):
You're getting better at dealing with what happens when your best laid plans don't turn out to be an exact replica of your perfect pictures. Luckily you're smarter than the forces that assail you. Being one step ahead of what everyone expects will make it so much easier to come out on top of a situation that only appears to suck. Don't let fear override faith, or freak out because the money God has gone fishing. In case you've forgotten: Everything ebbs and flows. It's only a matter of time before these changes sort themselves out. Try to relax enough to let things be.
CANCER (June 21-July 20):
The story just expanded to include a lot of stuff that your eyes have been closed to up until now. If you're paying attention, your understanding will deepen and this will allow you to move forward with more enthusiasm, and more 'oomph' to whatever your plans involve. Be patient with the way things are. Know that absolutely everything is subject to forces that belie the idea that anything needs to be tightly controlled. You're about to fall apart and return to integrity in better shape than you were before. Don't let your demons overtake you, and keep the light on.
LEO (July 21-Aug. 20):
You are waking up — perhaps without even realizing what is happening to you. As the truth unfolds, the old stories, along with the old pictures of yourself are bound to fade away. Those closest to you may not be ready for this. If they show signs of resistance, or try to counsel you according to their way of seeing things, take it all with a grain of salt. In the moment that a bed of coal gives birth to a diamond, does anyone have the right to hold us back? You are leading the way. The ones you love will begin to flower the minute you trust life enough to follow your heart.
VIRGO (Aug. 21-Sept. 20):
If you've got kids they are making things a little crazy right now. If you're childless it's your inner child that is ready to explode. On top of this, there is a sense of frustration that is coming out of an all work and no play atmosphere, and you have just about had it. If you weren't working so hard there would be no problem, but the demands to show up and be present and accounted for 24/7 are stretching you to the limit. It would be easy to say, "Take a break," but there's too much at stake at a time when the deeper issues require more than a few days off.
LIBRA (Sept. 21-Oct. 20):
Your denial mechanisms are off the charts. It would be great if you could get past the need to see all of this as lovely. Underneath the covers, what you do your best to ignore could easily turn your little fairy tale into a nightmare. If you have no clue what I am talking about, I suspect that it will wake you up the hard way before Christmas rolls around. If you're half aware of what being overly nice, or overly blind has done to mess things up you stand a better chance of getting through some of the BS that has come about because you raked what's at the heart of things over the coals.
SCORPIO (Oct. 21-Nov. 20):
Nobody can figure out what's up with you. Even you seem to be clueless about where all of this is heading. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with "not knowing." Being lost is not a crime. The problem at this point is more about feeling like you can't open up about whatever the story is. Your friends are there for you in more ways than one. Even the ones who seem like they would have very little to offer in the way of support and advice could be full of surprises. It's time to stop letting your pride to stand in the way of letting your hair down and opening up.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 21-Dec. 20):
Double D: no it's not your cup size — It stands for Deception and Disappointment. The two go hand in hand. If they take you all the way, they turn into Triple D: Deception, Disillusionment, and Disappointment. These three factors figure into your story right now — but it's not as bad as it looks or feels. With your amazing ability to turn lemons into lemonade you are allowing all of this to enlighten you. Getting the most from your current lessons has taught you a lot about A) staying in the moment, B) trusting yourself, and C) knowing enough to leave the past behind.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 20):
The idea that everything is coming up roses could very well be true. Whether it turns out that way or not depends entirely on your willingness to deal with the thorns in your side, and the ones that sharpen up when people start telling you what you don't want to hear. Believe it or not, you're not right about everything. Those of you who have lived long enough to know this are willing to give others as much room to breathe as you give yourself. This will save the day when push comes to shove. Those of you who are stuck in control mode need to drop the reins and loosen up.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. 20):
The issues that are pressing on you now are showing up in your work sphere. There is a huge amount of responsibility weighing on your personal life as well. There is nothing new about this but the issues in your personal life go all the way back to your childhood. Doing whatever it takes to manage your outer reality feels a hell of a lot easier than confronting your developmental traumas. It's too much to get into without calling a shrink but the inner stuff has taken its toll on the outer story since day one. The sooner you get to the bottom of it the sooner your life will clear up.
PISCES (Feb. 21-March 20):
Is it that time of the month, or did you decide to leave town? Those who know you well don't even know where you went. Is it the changing of the guard on the emotional front that keeps your life and your cards so close to your chest? Elements of paranoia are always nipping at your heels, and the tendency to make things up in your head and convince yourself that they're true could be keeping you from having a good time with whoever 'hasn't been around in a while.' You don't need to hide out forever. It's time to reconnect and bring your light back to the fire.