Horoscopes (Nov. 6-12)

Nov 6, 2019 at 1:00 am
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Horoscopes (Nov. 6-12)
James Noellert

ARIES: March 21 – April 20: Teetering on the edge, you don't know if you're coming or going. The need for patience, not just with others but with the situation itself, competes with the idea that you can't wait to get on with the show. Your role in this situation has changed too many times for you to be sure which part you need to play in order to get things rolling. Holding steady when the god of uncertainty is drunk as a skunk and ringing up all of your primary issues is where it's at right now. If it's hard to be cool with this, get real enough to see that it can only be healed/changed/fixed from the inside out.

TAURUS: April 21 – May 20: Now that you've been uplifted by the winds of change, you're ready to share the excitement and inject a little joy and hope into all of your connections. Pouring new life into your everyday activities is bound to attract a whole raft of interesting people onto the scene. Money issues are less important than you make them. Stay tuned to the channel that broadcasts abundance because Jupiter's ready to trine your Sun. In six weeks, he'll roll in with possibilities that will come through old associates and old friends or anything that revolves around the desire to travel, study, or teach.

GEMINI: May 21 – June 20: Nobody expects you to make it all OK, so don't drive yourself nuts trying to fix this. It's never been your job to do anything but tell it like it is. The flack that you get for being totally honest comes from those who don't want to hear it. In your current situation, whether people see it or not, the truth has healed more things than any of the lies that were told to cover it up. Time will do a lot to prove you're right. In the meantime, reserve your strength for things that involve your own work and your own life. Keep reminding yourself that everything is in God's hands.

CANCER: June 21 – July 20: You've got this all figured out. It might not feel that way, but the truth is you're more on top of it than anyone else in the room. Trying to get others to pull themselves together will require a huge amount of patience. More than likely, you're going to have to watch them fumble around and figure it out for themselves. Taking care of you in this situation is the main thing. Your strength is needed, and so is your light. Others could wind up surprising you in the end. If you need to work on anything, it has to do with trusting that your faith in them has not been misplaced.

LEO: July 21 – August 20: The intensity of things is always an issue. You go so deeply into every aspect of your experience, you don't leave yourself enough room to lighten up. I see all kinds of wheels and deals making it seem as if wheeling and dealing makes a difference. You know better than to get too wrapped up in superficialities. You're surrounded by people who are slaves to that stuff. The need to walk the line between the inner and outer aspects of your experience will see you learning a lot about what happens when you let what looks good on paper eclipse any sense of what's real and true.

VIRGO: August 21 – Sept. 20: You're going into this with your fingers crossed, hoping that things turn out for the best. There's nothing to worry about if you've done your homework. You guys are good at handling pretty much anything. Enlisting the help of others may be your best bet for some of what lies on the road ahead. There's a need to be totally clear and truthful with yourself — and others — about your intentions. Trying to hide them will not serve your cause. In situations where it becomes obvious that you have to explain yourself, coming clean will earn you more points than making excuses.

LIBRA: Sept. 21 – Oct. 20: Things are intense. Holding your own at times like this takes more than the usual amount of strength. It'll be a while before you get to take a breather. As one thing after another demands everything you've got, the deeper part of you is ready for it. In some cases, this is just about too much mundane B.S. going on all at once. The rule of thumb is "take one thing at a time." For others, major life milestones are hitting you like a ton of bricks. Remember that all of it has a purpose — and treat yourself gently. Draw your strength from within and keep your faith alive.

SCORPIO: Oct. 21 – Nov. 20: Holding steady is where it's at. You've finally figured out that as long as your head's above water, you're OK. The perfection trips that have guided you up until now may be giving way to the idea that changing the world — or making a dent in it — doesn't require you to sacrifice yourself. Returning to a place that allows you to just be yourself would be wonderful. Whatever that means for you, think about giving yourself at least two hours a day to go there. You're processing a huge amount of stuff. This is one of those times when you have to give yourself time to release it.

SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 21 – Dec. 20: You keep going back and forth, buffeted by the whims and confusion of others. As you try to get things to meet in the middle, signals keep getting crossed, and everyone's got something to say about it. Knowing enough not to let what other people think about you press your buttons takes objectivity. With gossip flying, things could easily get out of hand before you know it. Keep yourself centered. Loose talk is of no consequence. Don't waste your energy trying to set people straight. In the midst of mountains of petty nonsense, you'd do well to find better things to do.

CAPRICORN: Dec. 21 – Jan. 20: Expecting too much is your downfall. You were so sure this would solve everything. It looks like you poured all of your hopes into someone — or something — that didn't pan out. There are so many ways that you could be freaking out over some form of disappointment. This isn't where you belong, my friend. Outer appearances are always illusory. Whatever evolves out of your current situation has to be enlightened with heavy doses of faith. Dredging it up is the key. It will take an extra push to clear this hump. Try to lighten up and remember how not to let anything get you down.

AQUARIUS: Jan. 21 – Feb. 20: Your choices need to get settled, but your mind is confused by whatever you think it's going to take to get happy. When our "pictures" make it hard to see what's real, it's time to take off our blinders and look at what's right in our face. This doesn't have to be hard. With a few adjustments, I have a feeling you'll be surprised at the way things fall into place. What's interesting about you is you've already hit the nail on the head. What's there for you now holds the key to your future. Rearrange a few things and get real enough to turn what you have into what you want.

PISCES: Feb. 21 – March 20: You've got tons of new plans spilling onto an already full plate, and only you can handle it. So what else is new? This juggling act could see you splitting your interests between one person, place, or thing, and another. At the moment, too much is subject to change, and a lot of what you're looking at is laced with inconsistencies and elements of deceit that could easily bollix things up. Biting off more than we can chew invites us to get real and keep it simple. For now, there's no room for anything that isn't filled with the firm belief that you're 100% clear and able to deal with all of this.

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