Horoscopes (Nov. 13-19)

Nov 13, 2019 at 1:00 am
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Horoscopes (Nov. 13-19)
James Noellert

ARIES: March 21 – April 20: To have a clue about what's really going on right now, you'll have to stretch your mind outside normal limits. These changes are bigger than they appear. Issues that have their roots in ancient stories are coming home to roost in experiences that only seem to have something to do with the present time frame. All of this is a replay of unresolved experiences that have dictated too much of your behavior up until now. If you can connect the dots and shake loose from the need to keep responding to things the way you did as a kid, everything will turn around and change for the better.

TAURUS: April 21 – May 20: Well, you've opened the space for things that have been tied up in limbo to expand beyond the sense of limitation that has fenced you in. Many of you are in the process of moving. Others are "moving on" at the emotional level. Something has blown the lid off whatever has blocked your ability to change. Feeling overwhelmed could be part of the deal. If that's the case, don't get too far ahead of yourself. Realize that whatever it is that appears to be too much will take care of itself if you stop fretting over it and remember that everything comes together in its own good time.

GEMINI: May 21 – June 20: You're in the middle of a story that can't be easily unraveled. Surrounded by people and things that have question marks written all over them, it seems to be your job to employ the Wisdom of Solomon to find a way out. The only thing that's clear about this is the fact that the forces that assail you aren't half as smart as you are. I don't know what you've got up your sleeve, but it's a good thing that your detractors have no idea what you're up to. This week will call you to pull a rabbit out of a hat. Good luck with that. If you continue to stay cool, the odds are that you will be successful.

CANCER: June 21 – July 20: You've finally seen the light. After a long stretch of making believe you had it all figured out, you've gotten out of the box far enough to have a more objective sense of where you stand with life and yourself. This in no way implies that you know what you want to do next, but at least you know what you don't want. What you're unwilling to live with has been your constant companion up until this point. Think about that. And think about how long it takes for any of us to release what no longer serves us. Be patient, lighten up, and trust that it's safe to outgrow the past.

LEO: July 21 – August 20: There needs to be a dose of radical change. Even if you can't figure out why it has to be this way, part of you knows that the momentum of things that you thought would support you forever has totally run out of steam. Whenever anything reaches this point, there are always external forces that challenge our weak spots and pose some sort of threat to what we hold dear. You've got a choice. In my experience, it's always best to make the one you can live with. So lose your fears and drop all of your petty considerations; it's time to go for the gold and set yourself free.

VIRGO: August 21 – Sept. 20: You're halfway between one thing and another. As things proceed, what's kept you restricted to certain limits will meet with a need to change your pace or your tune. Some of you find it hard to believe that there's such a thing as a new horizon. Others are thanking God that the tide is turning. As you embrace the possibility of a rebirth and/or a totally different pathway, it will help to reflect upon what the last year or so has taught you about faith, and about humility. Who you are now is much different than who you were then — and yes, this is a whole new ballgame.

LIBRA: Sept. 21 – Oct. 20: You've finally figured out that life goes better when you take one thing at a time. It's not like you can't multi-task, but the "all at once" routine only works when you've got eight arms and eight legs! Being able to keep yourself on track has involved eliminating a lot of mindless social interactions. You don't have time for it, and you're noticing that you feel a Hell of a lot better when you take care of yourself first. For the next few weeks, knowing this will serve you well and keep you from running to the rescue when the usual suspects expect you to fix what's broken.

SCORPIO: Oct. 21 – Nov. 20: Handling your life has gotten to be more like a job than whatever you're doing for a living. But there's light at the end of the tunnel. You'll be home free before the seasons change. Between now and then, you're going to have to maintain a high level of performance. Whatever that requires, you can do it with your eyes closed. The main thing right now has to do with finding joy in a routine that has gotten stale in the midst of a personal or family crisis that would give anyone cause to flip out. Keep holding your own. It'll get easier. Find a way to fall in love with this.

SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 21 – Dec. 20: Things are slowing down a bit. After a high run, you've finally got a little time to think. At this point, there are "Should I stay, or should I go?" issues that require a decision. Things are good enough to stay where you are. On the other hand, something beckons you to go. So how do you make this call? In your world, the intuitive factor is always reliable. The voice that speaks to you from within is your higher guidance pointing the way. Weighing the odds, whatever it took to make things work out here is a portable entity. It's not up to me, but maybe life is calling you to move on.

CAPRICORN: Dec. 21 – Jan. 20

You're going to have to trust that all of this will work out perfectly. Part of you knows this, but the part of you that feels like you can't get on with your life till it's over and done with is wondering how to move things along. Once you realize that nothing can happen unless people come to closure or until certain things are finished, you'll stop wasting energy forcing whatever's about to change into a premature birth. For now, it would help if you continued to show up with a whole heart, knowing that life has its own way of making sure that we get what we need.

AQUARIUS: Jan. 21 – Feb. 20: A lot of things are on the line over the next few weeks. This isn't anything you can't handle, but in some cases, it could be a real game-changer. If that rings a bell, it's time to get centered and focus 95% of your energy on the main priority. There's no doubt that all kinds of Mickey Mouse nonsense will pop up to divert your attention away from it. Don't let yourself be distracted. Delegate the small stuff, and keep your eye on the prize. By the time what's truly important is right in your face, you'll shine brightly enough to be rewarded with the opportunity of a lifetime.

PISCES: Feb. 21 – March 20: Things are lining up in ways that give you a chance to spread your wings. After an overdose of restriction, this feels pretty good. The heat is off, and there appears to be more help and a more positive attitude. Suck it up while you can. Do whatever it takes to replenish yourself. The fact that so many people depend on you to be the one with all the strength and all the answers is still a factor; don't expect that to go away. But for now, take advantage of the fact that there is a window, and the door of your cage is open enough to allow you a little time to refill your inner resources.

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