Horoscopes (May 27-June 2)

May 27, 2020 at 1:00 am
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Horoscopes (May 27-June 2)
James Noellert

ARIES | March 21 – April 20: You just woke up to the fact that it's time to dig a little deeper. The idea that you had it all figured out has gone up in smoke. Along with it, the feelings you've been nursing for people you thought would be the answer to your prayers have revealed themselves to be a total fantasy. That realization has led you to see that you always seem to be attracted to the last thing you need. As you begin to see the error of your ways, your behavior is bound to change. Kick up your heels and rejoice. Maybe now what has always been an issue will smooth out and yield the fulfillment you need.

TAURUS | April 21 – May 20: Coming out on the other side of what looks to be a real hard time, here you are, still alive and kicking. What happens next? Who knows? Because on some level you have shed your skin and are starting all over again. When life brings us to this place, all of our relationships go through a transition. Who you are in relation to other people will require them to make their own adjustments. Those who love you will realize that what you've gone through is calling them to kick themselves up a notch. Anyone who isn't ready to take that leap will most likely fall off the wagon.

GEMINI | May 21 – June 20: Certain things can't be controlled. If your powers of manifestation are sharp as a tack, at times your motives are tainted by impatience and ambition. Things are working or not, depending on the extent to which you've learned to temper your power urges. The next six months will see you coming out on top or going down for the count — it's showtime. With what seems to be everything at stake, you're hung up wondering what's missing. Let your internal Superman step out of the phone booth. Sail over the top and set yourself free.

CANCER | June 21 – July 20: You've been on a high run, and it's time for a break. As much as it's good to keep busy, at this point you need to stop long enough to assess your options and see where things need to go from here. In the last few weeks, there have been random developments that look like they're going to turn out way better than you expected. What seems to be happening is, after a long period of biding your time, the fruits of your labors and the byproducts of your best intentions are being magnified in ways that make the saying "What goes around comes around" work out in your favor.

LEO | July 21 – August 20: You can't figure out why things got messed up. To believe that your best-laid plans are still working keeps you stuck in a situation that has lost its charm. In moments it's easy to convince yourself that you belong here. At other times, health issues, along with conflicts that keep stirring up darker emotions, make it harder to put on a Happy Face. Getting to the bottom of this may require you to 86 all of it and get back to Square One. It's always easier to face the truth and let it set you free than it is to keep up appearances and ignore what's happening at the heart of things.

VIRGO | August 21 – Sept. 20: You're finally getting things sorted out. It's taken forever to figure out why everything happened the way it did. In the course of cleaning out the cobwebs, you've made room for something new to replace that which didn't serve you any longer. The best part of all of this is that you're shooting more from the hip and living closer to the truth than ever before. At the moment, your life is a lot like a dam that's ready to burst. All the goodness you've created is about to flow out and give life to things that will justify all of the intensity and hard knocks that it took to get here.

LIBRA | Sept. 21 – Oct. 20: Once you stop looking for results, you'll get where you need to go. The idea that something needs to happen, in a certain way at a certain time, makes you the biggest obstacle to your own success. So much of who you are is stuck on the idea that your master plan is the only possible approach, when in fact the way things turn out finds its own way, and has its own rhythm. It would be good to stop pushing long enough to bring the best possible outcome to bear on things that have either gone over the top, or that have been made too complicated by previous mistakes in judgment.

SCORPIO | Oct. 21 – Nov. 20: You like yourself better when you have it all figured out. Your ego is happier when you can show up with bells on. Lately, things have been a little gnarly. Flies in the ointment and feelings that keep leaking through the cracks make you want to run and hide. Frankly, I like you better when you're a mess. Why? Because that's when the truth comes out, and the veneer that you polish to preserve your sense of significance gives way to your authenticity. Aside from that, it isn't when we're neat and tidy that we're growing; our best work gets done when we're falling apart.

SAGITTARIUS | Nov. 21 – Dec. 20: It would be great if you could stop looking through the rear-view mirror. That was then, this is now; where are you at? While I understand the need to keep the past alive or to return to your glory days, you'd do better to consider who you are now. What lies up on the road ahead looks phenomenal. The gap between those possibilities and what's going on at the moment is blocked by issues that have been hiding in the walls of your heart since the day you were born. As much as you think you've got it all figured out, it's time to buckle down, buckle up, and reckon with that stuff.

CAPRICORN | Dec. 21 – Jan. 20: You and your partner don't always see eye-to-eye. At this point, getting around that issue has you wondering what it signifies. If this isn't about your partner, it involves someone else. Agreeing to disagree is always easier when we aren't emotionally involved. Making adjustments in order to keep the peace and knowing enough to avoid discussions that showcase your differences will be part of the deal for a while. Keep in mind we are not what we think. At rock bottom, the ties that bind us are deeper and more visceral than that. Keep your heart focused where it counts.

AQUARIUS | Jan. 21 – Feb. 20: You could be changing your mind (and your tune) about more than a few things. Jumping prematurely into actions that had more to do with what you thought was expected, than with anything that has to do with you, has landed you in a bit of a pickle. The need to make the best of it competes with the idea that it might be better to start over. If the fact that you are overly invested in things that are no longer relevant is freaking you out, it's time to face the music. You don't need to panic, but you might as well surrender to the idea that everything needs to shift.

PISCES | Feb. 21 – March 20: If it's not one thing, it's another. Between tussles with red tape and the small minds of petty officials, these nuisances have added weight to what is already a pain in the neck. Try not to be incensed by the pettiness, deal with the BS, lighten up, laugh at it, and keep moving forward. Keep in mind that what appears to get in the way serves a purpose that is never immediately apparent. Your relationship situation could use a transfusion. Before anything can change in that department, you're going to have to reckon with the fact that your truer emotions need more airtime.

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