Horoscopes (March 13-19)

Mar 13, 2019 at 1:00 am
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Audio By Carbonatix

ARIES: March 21 – April 20

Things are in a state of flux. As you look around, the need to "do something about it" has you hatching a plan or two. You keep trying to bring those things to fruition. What is frustrating for you is that the universe doesn't seem to be responding the way that you thought it would. Don't be discouraged. Your higher self has something in mind. Your personality is doing everything in its power to get things rolling. For the time being, keep up the good work, knowing that what doesn't pan out is falling flat because God and the fates have better things in store for you.

TAURUS: April 21 – May 20

Between one thing and another, you wonder how things will go once you blow this clambake and get on to the next thing. It looks to me like everything's about to work out just fine, as long as you understand that you can't keep repeating the same old routine. Those of you who are clear about this will be better off than those of you who are unwilling to rock the boat. What you've had to force yourself to do for a living needs to shift into pathways that have something to do with you. Let yourself be guided by the forces that are already there waiting for you to follow your bliss.

GEMINI: May 21 – June 20

Being all things to all people wears thin after a while. You dissipate so much energy by making too many adaptations to what is expected, or to the notion that somehow, it's your job to make sure everyone has what they need. As you begin to grok the fact that it's time to focus on your own stuff, and bring whatever has been sidelined to fruition, it looks like it's your turn to stand up to those close to you and tell it like it is. Don't expect them to like it; after all, you created this monster and it will take a while for them to get over the shock and love you enough to be who you are.

CANCER: June 21 – July 20

As you keep your life on an even keel, you are well aware that something needs to change. It could be that you've invested too much in something that is either weighing you down, or creating levels of dependency that are unhealthy. Knowing that it's best to be on your toes, you keep wondering when and how what's next will reveal itself. None of us know what lies ahead. In your case, the idea that it's time to move on, or go for broke and pack it all in, competes with the need to preserve all of this. Keep your eyes peeled, knowing that things could flip anytime.

LEO: July 21 – August 20

The Gods are shining on you! All kinds of blessings have fallen into your lap. They have arrived in the form of good luck, and/or rewards granted for years of hard work and effort. If the wind in your sails is refreshing, the next few weeks will see you walking on air. As a result of all of this, life has made it possible for you to release the long held belief that you will never have enough, or, you have to kill yourself to get it. Those days are gone, my dear! From here on out, the idea that life is what you make it will open the space to weave the future straight from your heart.

VIRGO: August 21 – Sept. 20

You do the same thing over and over again. You're smart enough to be aware of the pattern. As time goes by, you ask yourself why the same old routine keeps getting in your face. You do your best to correct your behavior; you pray, you meditate, you do everything in your power to get it right. It might help you to understand that the people, places, and things that keep coming back to haunt you are like Freddy Krueger. The lessons are always the same, and they are unique to you. As time goes by, you get better at handling them without getting destroyed in the process.

LIBRA: Sept. 21 – Oct. 20

The heat is off. After a long period of stress and testing, you are about to enter a period of smooth sailing. From what I can see, there will be changes that solidify all of the effort that has been expended over the last few years. Be prepared for people who matter to show up with offers that you would be nuts to refuse. A deeper understanding of what you are here for will reinforce these opportunities in ways that allow you to pursue things on your own terms. The changes that come out of this will support you for a long time to come. This is your reward, your time in the sun.

SCORPIO: Oct. 21 – Nov. 20

People disappoint you; so what? Who made it your job to get the rest of the world on track? What is it about you that needs to supervise everyone else's karma? If you had a clearer grip on what's going on here, it would be easier for you to grok the fact that everyone's exactly where they need to be, doing their absolute best with what they have. Your perfect example is all well and good, but be wary of the tendency to think that anyone needs to follow it. Get real. This is one of those times when you've got to figure out how to love people in spite of themselves.

SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 21 – Dec. 20

You've been sitting in the crosshairs of a big shift, and it has reached the point where things are ready to pop. It could be that the straw has finally broken the camel's back. It could also be that things have run their course and the next chapter is ready to be written. Don't overdramatize the situation. Everything in life falls away and is reborn in regularly timed cycles. This test will be easier for some of you than it will be for others. It comes down to whether or not your 'stuff' makes it impossible to get the lesson. Get outside yourself enough to see that there's no need to freak out.

CAPRICORN: Dec. 21 – Jan. 20

In the midst of trying to figure out what will work best for everyone, don't get hung up on the idea that anything will remain the same. Defining moments require innovative approaches. You've finally managed to find your way out of the woods; don't mess it up by thinking that you've got to get everything back to normal – after all, "normal" is what got you stuck in this groove. As you figure out how to follow your own path, those closest to you will learn how to dust themselves off and follow theirs. Keep the light on, let out all the stops, and keep going for it.

AQUARIUS: Jan. 21 – Feb. 20

Sometimes it's best to leave well enough alone. For sure you have certain things to accomplish, but there are side issues, and the people involved in those issues can't comply with your needs at the moment. If it looks like they're just being difficult, don't press your case, knowing that things of this nature are there to test our ability to trust and go with the flow. Wait and see. Nothing in this world is worth the amount of stress or the energy that you're giving to this situation. When everything comes out in the wash, you'll laugh at yourself for getting uptight about it.

PISCES: Feb. – March 20

You've got a huge amount of support making it easier to breathe deep into the sense that things will work out just fine. The only thing that could mess you up is a level of overconfidence and the idea that nothing can go wrong. With what the last few years have put you through, this recent opening feels like you might be out of the woods. I'm willing to agree with that, at least for now. What I would suggest is that you not rest on your laurels, and instead, keep hustling just enough to stay on track. Huge undertakings are on the menu. Yes, you are in the clear, but remain vigilant.

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