Horoscopes (Aug. 29-Sept. 4)

Aug 29, 2018 at 1:00 am
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Audio By Carbonatix

click to enlarge Horoscopes (Aug. 29-Sept. 4)
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ARIES: March 21 – April 20

You have been going through the mill on multiple fronts. The sense that you need to hold steady dances with the thought that you will snap in two if you keep up with this pace. Many of you are more than ready to jump ship. Those of you who don't have that option keep trying to figure out how long this will last. In the former case, you are totally free to go — and the sooner the better. In the latter case it looks to me like this is a test. For the next month or so, you need to draw upon your ability to work it from your guts in a situation that is sure to improve by the Fall Equinox.

TAURUS: April 21 – May 20

The light at the end of the tunnel is beginning to shine. For many of you, it's already "on" full time. As the picture becomes clearer, everything that it took to get you to this place will start to make more sense. Whatever you expected, your current situation is better than you could have imagined. In some cases it is more than you bargained for. At this point the idea that it's not what happens to us, it's how we choose to relate to it, has you thinking about the need to remain open to whatever fate has in mind. If you can stay centered in that mindset, nothing can stop you.

GEMINI: May 21 – June 20

Falling apart at the seams can be fun! And in moments of pure awareness it can be totally enlightening. Whatever you think you know about yourself is being challenged by levels of newness and change that haven't entered the picture in at least seven years. Hang on to your hat and start reconnecting the circuits that remember how to be OK with yourself when nothing is clear and the rest of your being is totally up in the air. As uncomfortable as you are with anything that doesn't fit your pictures, there is no better time than now to drop all that "stuff" and let go.

CANCER: June 21 – July 20

Everything has opened up in a way that has given your perspective what amounts to a shot of B12. You are so glad that you have come to a place where you have the time to reflect and be connected to things that feel real. The next few weeks will be a retreat of sorts. Allow yourself to rejuvenate and regroup. Within a month, things will begin to speed up and the sense of strength and centeredness you have now will be needed to face increased demands and unexpected changes in your work. Take a deep breath. Use this time to inhale the things that give you life.

LEO: July 21 – Aug. 20

With more than one issue coming to a head, here you sit wondering how to make it through the gauntlet. Half of you knows that you were made for situations like this, and the other half is in way over its head. As the sense of clarity that has escaped you up until now maintains the pretense that everything's under control, the deeper part of you knows that it will take a wizard to get around the obstacles that you face right now. That aspect of your consciousness is alive and well. Don't discount your magical abilities. Get down to business and sharpen them up.

VIRGO: Aug. 21 – Sept. 20

Now that you're back to normal it's your turn to focus on what you love the most. The next few weeks will be filled with enough of your heart's desire to quench the soul's need for refreshment. Anything that gives you inspiration is your ticket to ride. This could involve other people. It could also just be about you, finding your way to things that replenish the sense that you are alive. For the first time in a long time you have a lot of space to breathe. Use it, knowing that nothing gold can stay, and if it's your time to make the best of it, you're gonna be 100% here for this.

LIBRA: Sept. 21 – Oct. 20

With too much going on, and no incentive to handle it, the question is: Where will you find the energy to be here for this? Too many emotionally charged situations, in addition to all of the "stuff" that gets triggered whenever you wonder if the ones who were supposed to care were ever there for you at all, have formed a maelstrom of feelings that makes you doubt all of your core beliefs. As you try to wrap your mind around things that are over the top, get big enough to embrace it and open your heart to the idea that there is light hiding somewhere, in all of this.

SCORPIO: Oct. 21 – Nov. 20

All kinds of good stuff is ready to unfold. It's just beginning to dawn on you that you didn't come here to live a simple or trivial life. Needing to '86 the "goody-two-shoes" routine and/or get far enough out of the box to see that you don't really need to keep doing X, Y, or Z, is where it's at right now. Those of you who think you have something to lose will have a hard time with this. The idea that security lies outside of where your inner voice is calling the shots will keep you where you are until the need for freedom and a renewed passion for life stirs you to change.

SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 21 – Dec. 20

You have gotten better at combining business with pleasure. On other levels it looks like your bigger difficulties have been whittled down with patience and time. There is even a hint that something no one thought could get worse is looking up. You're not quite sure what's going on. Change is on the horizon and you're approaching everything with caution. At any other time this M.O. wouldn't fly, but for you, giving yourself time to slow down and connect with what you really want will go a long way to heal some of the stresses that you've born in the last year.

CAPRICORN: Dec. 21 - Jan. 20

Too many issues call you to have to mind your P's and Q's. For someone who likes to have everything out in the open this is a total pain in the butt. You can't say certain things in front of some people, and you can't do certain things when you're with others, and someone else expects you to only tell them what they want to hear. Between the endless half-truths and everything that can't be said you are fed up with having to edit your behavior. The urge to blow a few minds and whistles is getting harder to ignore. If your situation can bear it, it may be time to tell the truth.

AQUARIUS: Jan. 21 – Feb. 20

Your mind is on things that involve matters of import. This is as it should be. If it's hard to be there for those you love, don't get down on yourself. Everyone knows what you're up against, and they totally understand where you're coming from. In a perfect world you could sail through this time on gossamer wings. The reality of the situation is that every ounce of your being needs to be focused on your work, or on demands that no one but you can handle. In a month or so the heat will be off. Between now and then give yourself all the time in the world to respond to the call of duty.

PISCES: Feb. 21 – March 20

You have multiple options. It doesn't matter which one you choose because they carry an equal amount of opportunity. Don't rush into decisions. Within a week or two the dynamics in your situation will change and you will be looking at a different set of variables. If others try to pressure you to go one way or another, ask them to give you a reason why. It looks to me like a few of your associates keep stacking the deck in their favor. Their machinations could lure you into thinking that you need their support when in fact they have more to gain from this than you.

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