ARIES: March 21 – April 20
When you decided to drop all the BS, what made you think there wouldn't be an earthquake or two? In the process of reinventing yourself you've found out that upheaval goes with the territory. Don't get freaked out over things that have come about as a natural response to whatever your karma consists of at this point. Once you stop driving yourself nuts, you'll calm down enough to see that at times like this, it's your inner resources that pull you through. And part of the lesson has to do with you figuring out that absolutely everything comes from within.
TAURUS: April 21 – May 20
If the rate of change seems to be accelerating, get used to it. Everything hinges on your ability to keep up with events that have come to turn your world around. For many of you, this is one of those transformational milestones that requires you to rock the boat in ways that others find hard to understand. For the first time in a long time you're ready to embrace yourself, and the kind of life that you know you want to be living. To allow custom, or the belief that remaining a slave to convention, will get you where you want to go will keep you from making the most of this.
GEMINI: May 21 – June 20
Bombshells have dropped. Plowing through the wreckage, you're wondering what made you think anyone was ready for the truth. Over-defensive responses to things that got way out of hand are already coming from multiple sources. You had enough on your mind before all this started. Having to be the one who seems to have caused it, the deeper question is now where did it really come from? It seems to me that if everyone can be accountable for the part they played in bringing this on, the blame that's being cast on you will fade away before the summer solstice.
CANCER: June 21 – July 20
You've learned your lessons when it comes to what you're worth. Seeing how much you bring to your experience will soon expand your life to include more. Most of the time it's the love that we feel that brings everything to us. Getting over yourself enough to express and embody it has made it easier for your life to flow smoothly. In response to this, the universe keeps your heart swirling in a matrix that is unified by love. You are now open to possibilities that would never have arrived if you fell prey to fear and self-pity and lost sight of the need to take the high road.
LEO: July 21 – August 20
You can't micromanage everything. If anyone should know this by now, it's you. Your best attempts to map out your future and make everything OK come from growing up in an environment that was nuts, at best. The adult in you has lived long enough to see what happens to your best laid plans, so give it up. Over the next few months, life will call you to trust your instincts and to limit your associations to those who are on the same wave-length. Everything is about to turn around. The shift will be easier if you let go, let God, and take your hands off the wheel.
VIRGO: August 21 – Sept. 20
You can't expect people to get where you're coming from. Honor your own expectations and leave it at that. This scenario has its own version, depending on who you are; if there is a common denominator it's about "standards." Yours are usually so high it's hard for others to dream of meeting them. You didn't come here to make lesser mortals feel inferior. When it comes to others, toning it down wouldn't be a bad idea. When it comes to you, shutting up, staying humble, and keeping the light on, will be enough to show the rest of us how it's done.
LIBRA: Sept. 21 – Oct. 20
Getting tangled in situations that don't belong to you has wasted too much of your precious time. Maybe in your next life you'll learn how to let other people and their BS run its course. If I were you I'd lose the need to play the codependent role; because your real gifts will not develop until you release yourself from the urge to always put everything ahead of yourself. You may not realize it, but things have changed so completely that the old you isn't even here anymore. As soon as you figure out who you've become, you will lose the need to give all of your power away.
SCORPIO: Oct. 21 – Nov. 20
By the time you read this, these words will make perfect sense or they will seem to have no bearing on your current situation. Try to expand your perceptions far enough to understand it as it applies to your higher self. Many things are in the process of changing. You are being called to step into your power. If the messages that you are receiving through your experiences can no longer be ignored, the only question you need to be asking is, "How big can I allow myself to be and what will it take to release the issues that keep me stuck on the notion that I can't be who I am?"
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 21 – Dec. 20
You could have this in a heartbeat if you wanted it less and were willing to give it all the time in the world. Unfortunately, others are not as clear about things as you are. To try to hang on, or nail them down won't work. In situations like this, it's always best to let absence let the heart grow fonder and go out and find better things to do. What will happen in the meantime could go either way, but if you use this approach, at least you'll be happy with the outcome no matter how it goes. Keep the faith. If you're lucky, getting what you want could be exactly what you need.
CAPRICORN: Dec. 21 – Jan. 20
Things seem to be running at cross purposes. You aren't too psyched about juggling too much at once, but you're learning to live with it. All of this is teaching you about the relative importance of this, versus that. You're beginning to see that what we call a "crisis" is really an opportunity to blow the dust off our lives. As far as that goes, all of a sudden half of what you're involved in has lost its meaning and you're unclear about what needs to be kept and what needs to fall away. Don't worry about it. Nature will sort everything out if you just stay true to yourself.
AQUARIUS: Jan. 21 – Feb. 20
If you're procrastinating, I can understand why; I wouldn't want to make this choice either. Sooner or later you'll have to accept the fact that it won't go away. What isn't clear now would be clearer to you if you gave yourself a chance to focus on it, instead of scattering your attention all over the place. You need to stop and address some of the fears that keep making you think that your life won't be worth much if you stop doing this. None of us are what we do. Your truer fear may be about finding out who you really are and what you're really worth underneath all of this.
PISCES: Feb. 21 – March 20
You just woke up to too many things all at once. When life dishes out one thing after another, we go into shell-shock. Don't expect yourself to have it all under control. Sort through the rubble and get in touch with who, and what you're dealing with before you even dream of making a plan. Right now the plan is about baby-steps — and it would help if you could resurrect a little faith. Because the key to pulling out of this has to do with seeing the blessing in it and believing with your whole heart that you are totally supported by life no matter how mind-boggling it gets.
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