ARIES: March 21 – April 20
You're torn between needing to keep it together and wishing you could vanish into thin air. How you decide to approach things is your business. In some cases, the desire to drop everything needs to be overridden with enough common sense to keep on keeping on until it's 100 percent safe to light the fuse and let things explode. Those of you who worry about maintaining appearances are sure to be having a tougher time than those of you who are fed up with pretense. With a whiff of a need to hang in there, be wary of beating dead horses when there's no need to keep toeing the line.
TAURUS: April 21 – May 20
This could be the biggest milestone of your life. As you contemplate what it might feel like to step over the line, fears of how this will upset the applecart are equal to your desire to be who you are. Part of you wants a guarantee, or some sense of certainty that everyone involved will be OK with this. I hate to clue you in, but there's no certainty on this planet — and the lesson seems to be about you figuring out that love is the response we get when we are true to ourselves. You might as well follow your heart and let others figure out how to get big enough to take this leap with you.
GEMINI: May 21 – June 20
It may be too late, but it would be good if you could reflect on what you've done and see that you were in error. This is no time to be stubborn; if you need to make amends, do so. Sometimes we allow our issues to win out over the truth. All of us fall prey to this. Getting conscious enough to do the right thing even when it's the last thing we want to do is one of the most difficult parts of being human. Once you get over the need to save face, you will find out that the truth really does set us free — and your honesty will save this relationship and eliminate tons of hassles down the road a piece.
CANCER: June 21 – July 20
You've reached the point where the desire to find what you're looking for has hit some kind of wall. Some of you are beginning to realize that whatever it is isn't "out there." For those of you who think you've found it, it comes down to wondering if you're fooling yourself. Whenever we reach this kind of impasse, we are closer to the heart of the matter. In the act of questioning all of it, we get to refine our search. So much of who you really are has yet to be reconciled. It might help to let the past roll in and show you the extent to which it still runs everything you do.
LEO: July 21 – August 20
Too many things are eating away at your sense of certainty for you to be sure how you feel. The brunt of it seems to be coming from circumstantial interference, and the rest of it is coming from other people and their choices. How those things affect you will depend on what you're willing to accept. This is one of those times when you could even start smoking the stress is so unusual. Words of comfort won't match the level of intensity that's swirling in and out of this situation. For now, surrender to the drama and do your best to stay centered in the eye of the storm.
VIRGO: August 21 – Sept. 20
You're having trouble with someone who can't deal with you honestly. This has been ongoing and it's driving you nuts. I don't know why you need this, but you might want to look at what it's meant to teach you. Instead of trying to work around their inability to be straight with you, stop feeding into it. It could be that you've outgrown them; yes sometimes we outgrow people. When was the last time the two of you saw eye-to-eye? If they keep it up, check in with yourself and consider the virtues of moving on because this situation is sucking up too much of your energy.
LIBRA: Sept.21 – Oct. 20
Your concern for others is keeping many of you up at night. In addition to the way it makes you wonder how all of this is going to turn out, it's bringing up a ton of unresolved issues from the past. Little did you know you had this much going on at the subconscious level. Working your way through it is where it's at right now. For at least three more months, you'll be dealing with ordinary, outer concerns and walking a more spiritual path at the same time. Huge shifts and changes will be birthed in the realm where your higher self is the one who decides which way to turn.
SCORPIO: Oct. 21 – Nov. 20
You are sitting on the fine line between the past and the future, wondering what to do. Certain things have run their course. Not knowing how to approach what happens next, part of you is nervous, and maybe a little afraid. Having been on the treadmill far too long, the idea that there are infinite possibilities escapes you. Reviewing your options, you come up with nothing. What's happening on the deeper levels is what matters right now. If you go pearl diving, soon enough you will reclaim yourself, blow the dust off your blues, and be free to get off to a whole new start.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 21 – Dec. 20
It's so clear that something has to change because you're feeling restless and you need to review where you're at in order to keep growing. That's all it comes down to right now. The past two years have taught you so much about what life is for. The things that have kept you going no longer seem relevant. In your conversations with others you keep getting lit up by the idea that nothing was meant to last forever. Recent experiences have shown you that there's got to be more to life than this. You're right on the money. Keep searching. In no time at all you'll be on to the next thing.
CAPRICORN: Dec. 21 – Jan. 20
You aren't entirely sure about anything these days. The last few years have brought so much change it would be good if you could get up to speed on where you're really at with yourself. A big part of you thinks it has to "go on with the show" at a time when you'd just as soon fall apart. Your sense of responsibility to either your standards or the past could be getting in the way. Take a look around; you're not in Kansas anymore. Get real enough to see that a raft of other things have come along to show you that the same old MO is totally irrelevant to who you are now.
AQUARIUS: Jan. 21 – Feb. 20
You have it made on a lot of levels — so much so that the last thing one would expect is that you would ever want to change even one bit of it. As nuts as it sounds, you're actually thinking about moving on — not because there's anything "wrong" with this picture, but because something new is brewing. Whatever that looks like, it would be premature to do anything drastic. Soon enough, you'll have a chance to decide if you want to stick with showcase number one or go for what's behind the curtain. We get it and lose it in cycles: yes, my dear — this is a huge turnaround.
PISCES: Feb. 21 – March 20
You can't get too worked up about things when they're this intense. For the next few weeks I see you sorting wildcats out by hand, one way or another. Recent epiphanies have shown you that it might work out better if you can find a way to trust someone else to handle it. As you do what it takes to untangle a mess that's over the top, you see that there's more to you and your goals than you've ever been given credit for. This has something to do with the fact that your true purpose is awakening. Stay the course. Rolling with the punches is crucial to your success right now.
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