Horoscopes (April 20-26)

Apr 20, 2016 at 1:00 am
Image: Horoscopes (April 20-26)
Photo: Shutterstock
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ARIES (March 21- April 20):

In the middle of one of those rock and a hard place, make it or break it scenarios, there's not much you can do but show up totally on top of things with your spirit present and accounted for. You have done everything you can do to move this mountain. Where it goes from here? Don't let your expectations limit the realm of possibilities. None of this is up to you; stop thinking — just keep shining. What will it take to meet fulfillment? Check in with your heart. This week it comes down to being poised on the crest of a wave, with nothing but faith between you and the shore.

TAURUS (April 21 -May 20):

You could get more out of this if you were willing to let your experience show you how things need to go. If you keep trying to force your pictures onto a situation that has no room for them, nothing you're trying to accomplish will bear fruit. You need to examine any tendencies that call you to keep beating a dead horse and be especially vigilant when it comes to where you direct your energy. Keep an eye on your motives. Anything that leads you to push the envelope will work out or it won't, depending on where you're coming from when you decide to take the risk.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20):

Don't compare yourself to people who have totally different life lessons than you do; there is no way your world needs to look like theirs. The idea that there is a template for any of this goes caput in the instant that we give ourselves permission to get real about who we are and what we want. The extent to which you can live on anyone's terms but your own will have a lot to say about your next move. Waiting for whoever's in charge to be OK with it could take forever. This is one of those times when it's YOU who needs to step in and take your life in a new direction.

CANCER (June 21-July 20):

Coming to your senses, you are just beginning to see the way out. For at least a year the level of tension you've sustained has made it difficult to think. Finding yourself underneath all of this has led you to discover things about yourself that you never knew were there. If you're still too fragile to notice, never fear; at some point you will wake up to what the signs are already bringing to life. You have guides who are very much there for you — in the flesh and in spirit. Call upon them. They will show up, one way or another to shed light on the path and show you the way.

LEO (July 21-Aug. 20):

Everything is strung up on tenterhooks. If it could be resolved immediately it would be a Godsend, but that's not the way things are going right now. Power struggles within yourself and with forces that won't let up make it hard to see the light. What will it take to ease things up? Give it time, and make sure you're willing to take an alternative approach to whatever the issue happens to be. Standard procedures don't work in situations like this. If you have doubts about stepping out of the box, know that this process is about to guide you to the answers you seek.

VIRGO (Aug. 21-Sept. 20):

Keeping your mind focused on what your own story requires is where it's at right now. Getting caught up with other people and their stuff takes you too far away from the point. You can't be there in the same way. If you can manage to detach, giving yourself time and space to create some of the things that you have kept on the back burner will serve everyone else in the long run. As far as that goes, others have their own thing going on. For whatever reason they are off on the tip of their arrow. Consider it a Godsend and use this freedom to return to what matters to you.

LIBRA (Sept. 21-Oct. 20):

The next few months will see you hung up in limbo wondering what it will take to resolve a situation that keeps you from being able to fully recognize yourself. If that sounds too abstract, in simpler terms, it's time to stop diminishing yourself. Getting out from under the people and things that keep you in your place will be easier than you think. The situation is setting you up to be doing things your own way around the time the seasons change. As you get used to the thought that there's no going back you will have to embrace the idea that you are ready for what's next.

SCORPIO (Oct. 21-Nov. 20):

You have been holding the bag for more than one thing. You're so used to it by now you can't see the length to which you've extended yourself. Forces that require all of us to examine what we're doing beg you to look at how much these compromises have whittled out of your heart. As the next few months unfurl you are bound to cut the cord in more than one place. How others deal with it? It's time to clean things up and get real. If worries about their response have you limiting any action you wish to take, seeing what it costs you should be enough to bring you to your senses.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 21-Dec. 20):

Redefining things that you thought were under control is what's up right now. You're not so sure how you want this to go. The sense that a new approach could salvage whatever's left of the situation could be right on the money. Before you jump on that possibility double check on the extent to which you're still committed to it. Choices that were made back in 2010 lie at the root of your current affairs. Don't get too weird about your sense of responsibility. Sometimes what needs to be done is more about throwing caution to the wind than it is about holding steady.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 20):

Being called on the carpet by people who don't know who they're dealing with could be a theme for many of you. If that is the case, the stuff that gives you the capacity to get around anything has given you the upper hand. How things unravel depends upon the extent to which you have been misled. Others are not what they appear. Time will reveal their true colors. Those to whom none of this applies are being courted by forces that appear to be totally benign. Their hidden agenda won't work for you, or them. Just because you are being treated like royalty, don't be taken in.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. 20):

A lot hinges on the next few weeks. Fortunately, there's enough fire in the sky to make things unfold without a whole lot of fuss. Yes, there will be challenges — but there's plenty of wind beneath your wings. Offers that weren't there yesterday will be on the table before you know it. The opportunity to get onto a whole new track could easily shift your compass. At the point where the road diverges, the free will factor comes into play. Because ultimately all of this comes down to you, remain sensitive to others, but don't let their weaknesses to clip your wings.

PISCES (Feb. 21-March 20):

You keep getting strung up by experiences that make it seem as if you have no control. There are fears of one kind or another that keep you awake at night. Your anxiety is there to remind you that it's time to find your way back to center. Only from that place will you be able to manage what look to be multiple pressures at a huge turning point. This is where the miraculous piece just might kick in. Breathe deep. Nothing is ever what it appears to be. The universe is malleable in situations like this. Keep your heart and your mind focused on whatever it takes to turn things around.