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Illustration by Kristin Borden
April 28 update: The new Detroit Red Wings arena will be called "Little Caesars Arena" in a 20-year naming rights agreement between the Ilitch family, which owns the hockey team, and themselves.
The deal includes Little Caesars branding on the arena's roof.
"Little Caesars has experienced incredible growth over the last decade," says David Scrivano, the pizza company's CEO, in a statement. "We were founded in the Detroit area 57 years ago as a family company and grew to become the world's largest carryout-only pizza chain from right here in the city."
A couple days ago, Chris Ilitch, president and CEO of Ilitch Holdings, got people all excited during a luncheon when he announced that the organization landed a sponsor to purchase the naming rights of the new Red Wings hockey arena.
Free Press is suggesting that the new arena could be nicknamed some variation of "The Baddest Bowl", due to a couple trademarks the Ilitches' Olympia Entertainment recently acquired, which is kinda weird but logical. Crain's has thrown out a whole slew
corporate sponsor possibilities, including Little Caesars (duh), Flagstar Bank (uh, ok), and Amway (gross).
So, to balance things out a bit, we took on the task of coming up with a handful of options we here at Metro Times think would be just perfect for
Hockeytown Caesar's $627 million project.
H-E-Double Hockey Sticks
The People's Private Arena
The Grande Boondogglery
The Hockey Hole
Your Tax Dollars At Sleep
The Illitchit
You Paid For It Arena
Cass Corridor Community Rec Center
The Palace of Pizza Pucks or Pizza Puck Palace
The Job Creation Station
Little Caesar's Palace (thanks Steev Digman & Joel Mann)
Hot Wings Arena (s/o Patricia Hackett)
And our personal favorite:
Metro Times Sucks Arena (courtesy of funny guy Daniel Marchione)