Here's what our astrologist says about the coronavirus

Mar 15, 2020 at 12:00 pm
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click to enlarge Here's what our astrologist says about the coronavirus
Courtesy of Cal Garrison

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Void-of-Course Sagittarius Moon. The Moon will remain in that state until it enters Capricorn at 12:25 p.m. (EST) on March 16. Mercury entered Pisces in the wee hours of Monday morning, and we’re coming up on the Spring Equinox on March 19. The Equinox is always a pivotal moment. For those of us who still observe nature’s rhythms, it is the beginning of the New Year. From that perspective this would be a good time to fertilize our visions for the next 365 days.

In light of all the chaos that is infecting the planet, those instructions might seem out of place. After all, with the coronavirus in the headlines, and predictions that say millions of people are at risk, anyone who follows the mainstream news is probably thinking, “She’s got to be nuts to suggest that there’s anything hopeful in sight.” While I understand why some of you might see it that way, relative to the story that surrounds the threat of a pandemic, it might be good to keep in mind that "fear" is contagious, and can easily go "viral." Wasn’t it FDR who said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself?" Aside from that, like it or not, there is way more to this than meets the eye.

I could rattle off a long list of aspects that confirm the reality of the coronavirus from an astrological perspective: with the media working overtime broadcasting that information, who among us needs to be reminded of that? Even so, it might help to know that outside of what we are being told, there are background influences forming the framework for an intense state of affairs that is as subject to change as anything else.

The fact that the Asteroid Pythia is T-Boning all of the virus-related configurations sticks out like a sore thumb. Pythia governs the whole concept of "being misled." She shows up in situations where people are getting the wrong information, and/or in situations where people are misinterpreting what they are hearing. This leaves us open to exaggeration, and to the dissemination of falsehoods, which in turn seed the potential for panic. If you don’t mind, I would like to use a situation which recently came to my attention to showcase some of this.

I have a good friend who is a leader in the local AA Community. Since the coronavirus became a newsworthy issue the AA people — who, because they congregate on a regular basis in groups, have had to address the prospect of contagion in a very direct way. Some of the members of that community are totally freaked out by the virus; others are less concerned.

At a recent meeting it was decided that at the end of every gathering, the entire group would stand up, join hands in a moment of silence, and pray for the health and safety of everyone on the planet. What seemed like a good idea at the time turned into a bit of a hassle. Those who were most fearful of infection didn’t want to hold hands. Those who had more of a laissez-faire attitude were OK with holding hands and saying a prayer, but they were hard-pressed to find anyone who was willing to hook up and join them. The saying goes that, “The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions”: what everyone thought would bring them together and serve the greater good of the planet, only served to divide them into factions.

I mention all of the above to raise a question or two — because the last thing we need is to have one more thing increase our sense of isolation and separation. Along with this, the dilemma of the people at the AA meeting gives a chance to look at some of the aspects that are impacting all of us right now. Thinking about this, I couldn’t help but notice that the Trans-Neptunian Point, Admetus, is in high focus. Admetus relates to shunning, avoidance, being isolated in small spaces, quarantines, the whole concept of having to endure things for extended periods of time, delays, hindrances, and numerous other things. At the moment it is aspecting a bunch of health, travel, separation, and unsolved mystery asteroids. Here is a short list:

1) Admetus conjunct Hygiea: Health issues isolate us. Health issues that cause us to be shunned, or that cause us to shun certain people and activities.

2) Admetus opposite Isis: Health issues separate us. Health issues that take time to recover from.

3) Admetus square Odysseus: Health related issues cause us to avoid travel. To have delays and interruptions in our travel plans. To have whether or not we are able to travel depend on X, Y, or Z.

4) Admetus square Persephone: Due to health concerns, there are long-term separations from others who have gone away, or who are far away. This also includes people being sent home due to health issues. (Consider people who have travelled to lockdown countries being required to remain in those places, indefinitely. Consider students and others who are now being required to work/study from home because their school or work situations have been shut down.)

5) Admetus conjunct Sphinx: No one knows how long these conditions will last. No one knows when these limitations will end. How long will we be in quarantine?

6) Admetus square Urania: People have tunnel vision, or fixed ideas when it comes to their perspective on a health crisis.

I could go on and on with this — because the astrology of the coronavirus is a banquet of aspects, of which the above list is just a spoonful. Instead of digging up more of those details, let’s see if we can lighten up and put the focus on what the Spring Cross-quarter is all about. After all, life goes on, and it makes no sense to lose our perspective on that, just because things are a little freaky.

As far as Mother Nature is concerned, March 19 ushers in the New Year. It is the Alpha and Omega point in the zodiac, the place where our visions for the future are inseminated by the power that is intrinsic to the Aries archetype. This is where we get to pour our hearts and minds into thought forms that have the power to take us beyond whatever we have gotten stuck in. It is where we get to plant new seeds and begin again.

Most of us are hip to the Law of Attraction and the Power of Thought, so the question might be, "If you believe in these things, can you put your money where your mouth is, or do you want to get stuck in fear and panic?" Wouldn’t it be better to envision the best of all possible outcomes? Could we remember that it’s always darkest right before the dawn and ask ourselves what it will take to picture a new and better world? Could we sit quietly and pray for this, instead of rushing out to stock up on toilet paper?

Fear isn’t where it’s at folks. Don’t make things worse by feeding into it. One of the qualities of the Admetus aspects includes the idea of "wait and see." I have a feeling we will be surprised when the truth about this pandemic finally comes to light. Until then pray to Allah, tie your camel, and take what you can from this week’s ‘scopes.

ARIES | March 21 – April 20: You're at a huge turning point. It looks to me like some things have run their course, and what's next is floating around in the ethers. You have yet to let go of whatever you've been doing up till now. There are decisions to make. Part of you is afraid to release the past and move on. Between your $$ issues and the fact that more than a few people rely on you, following your bliss doesn't seem to be doable. At the same time, your higher self knows that it's time to break free. Consider the virtues of riding two horses at once for as long as it takes to get the new show up and running.

TAURUS | April 21 – May 20: You can't believe how freaky things are starting to look in your neck of the woods. There are days when you wonder if you can count on anything anymore. Searching for some semblance of truth has led you all over the map and taken you far enough into yourself to reckon with things that you never thought you'd have to see. Whatever you've culled from your experience has blessed you with a wealth of compassion that most of us can only emulate. The heart that is bigger than China is about to go beyond the pale. For better or worse, do your best to keep it open.

GEMINI | May 21 – June 20: You're one of those people who can handle pretty much anything, but the last few years have put you through the ringer. The hard part of too much change and too many external pressures comes from the way those things either harden the heart or eclipse it, out of necessity. There's no way to diminish the impact of what's going on in your world at the moment. Advice is useless in an arena where the spirit is learning all of its deepest and most intense lessons. The good news is, as long as you can keep holding space for the truth, this experience has all the makings of a rebirth.

CANCER | June 21 – July 20: After removing the mask that made it so easy to be whoever you thought you were, the façade is down and you're bringing more of yourself to your life. For many of you, opening up to a broader expression of self has shown you that you're much stronger and much deeper than you've ever given yourself credit for. A big weight has lifted, and you're learning how to live according to more natural cycles and rhythms. This change has brought you closer to your loved ones, and it's made the whole act of living more fluid and fulfilling than it's been in a long time.

LEO | July 21 – August 20: It's easy to get complacent. You've got no reason to want to change any of this. At the same time, you know you're half asleep. For a long time it's been clear to you that even though life couldn't be better, something is calling your spirit elsewhere. If you know where that is, any opportunity to go there will show you how much it costs us to settle in or settle down. The spirit of adventure and the idea that there's nothing left for you to learn from your current situation will bring you to the point where, when it's time to take the big leap, you won't think twice about going for it.

VIRGO | August 21 – Sept. 20: Things are in a state of suspension. It's one of those times when "you can't do this until you've finished that." There's also a sense that what happens next is out of your hands. Maybe so, but at times like this, one has to wonder if what we never expected is about to open the way to things that are way more interesting and exciting than what we thought would lead us to our heart's desire. There are still precautions to take, and big needs to respect your health. If you remain open, shut off the Nazi in your head, and wait on the will of heaven, life will open up like a flower.

LIBRA | Sept. 21 – Oct. 20: Things go up and down. Like everyone else, you have to figure out how to handle your life and deal with your private issues at the same time. Part of you is stuck on the idea that you're at the mercy of your past, when in fact you're a bright light who's bigger than all of it. Making plans to bring everything together is where it's at right now. You are not alone. There's more than one ally who is 100% there for you. As you consider your options, take it slow and easy, lose the notion that you're shoveling shit against the tide and embrace the idea that God wants you to succeed

SCORPIO | Oct. 21 – Nov. 20: Making allowances for people comes with knowing where they've been. You can't call them to task for things they aren't entirely conscious of. At the same time, living with the stuff their lack of awareness stirs up is a huge nuisance. As far as that goes, codependence takes its toll and you've just about had it. My advice? Keep the level of understanding high enough to know when it's time to "just say no," notice how they deal with it when you stop nursing their weaknesses, and as soon as you can, do everyone a big favor and let them grow up and deal with themselves.

SAGITTARIUS | Nov. 21 – Dec. 20: All your hard work is paying off. This is a watershed moment that will spill over and impact your life on multiple levels. In many cases, it's not just about outer stuff; your mind and heart are ready to wrap themselves around a host of new possibilities. Everything about this paints this time in your life as the foundation upon which your future stands. Those closest to you could turn out to be quite surprised by what the changes in you will require of them. Stay tuned; give them a chance to get into alignment with this because they too will have to step into a bigger pair of shoes.

CAPRICORN | Dec. 21 – Jan. 20: The push to make it big competes with the fear that you can't. With everything to suggest that the latter is all in your mind, you are the only one who can change it. You're in no mood to hear my helpful hints and thoughtful platitudes, but I can tell you that newness and change will arrive the minute you release your doubts. The part of you that wants to make a difference is ready to shift into a different and totally sincere gear. Everything hinges on authenticity. Fakery, greed, and the issues that ignite the ego when we forget that none of this is about us need to be left behind.

AQUARIUS | Jan. 21 – Feb. 20: You're on the right track, and you have the right idea. At this point, any limitations that you face relate to the fact that you don't know enough about who and what you're dealing with. You are also subject to your own blind spots. In order to move along your chosen path, it would be good if you could search outside the box for information and figure out how to get your fixed ideas out of the way. This path that you're on is about to take you where no one has gone before. Don't let the limitations of your personality — and the tendency to think too much — block your ability to see the light.

PISCES | Feb. 21 – March 20: Figuring out how to handle things on your own will get easier. Up till now, more than enough support has been the name of the game. If it hasn't already, what you've gotten used to is about to disappear and give you a chance to see that there's a huge amount of satisfaction in handling things independently. The more you embrace this, the easier life will go. As the next few weeks unfold, you'll get the gist of this. Resist the temptation to stay tied to anyone's apron strings. Something brand-new will come out of this. Pull yourself together and get into it.

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