In terms of Michigan's movie legacy, there is perhaps no fandom like that of the 1981 horror film The Evil Dead. Sure, it's not the most well-known or highest grossing film made here (we're guessing that distinction probably goes to the Transformers franchise), but there's no denying its influence. It's kind of like the Velvet Underground of horror movies; while it's said that whoever bought the first pressing of the first Velvet Underground record was probably inspired to start their own band, true fans of director Sam Raimi's scrappy The Evil Dead could easily have been inspired to make their own movie.
Filmmaker Ryan Meade could be one such fan. (Like Raimi and The Evil Dead star Bruce Campbell, Meade is also from Royal Oak.) But he didn't just make any film; he decided to make a documentary about the making of The Evil Dead. And afterseven years in the making, is now complete.
Leyland “Lee” DeVito is the editor in chief of Detroit Metro Times since 2016. His writing has also been published in CREEM, VICE, In These Times, and New City. He once asked porn star Stormy Daniels to spank him with an issue of Metro Times. She obliged.