ARIES (March 21-April 19): Aries author Isak Dinesen defined "true piety" as "loving one's destiny unconditionally." That's a worthy goal for you to aspire to in the coming weeks. I hope you will summon your deepest reserves of ingenuity and imagination as you cultivate a state of mind in which you adore your life just as it is. You won't compare it negatively to anyone else's fate, and you won't wish it were different from what it actually is. Instead, you will be pleased and at peace with the truth of exactly who you are right now.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): As author Mary Ruefle points out, "In the beginning, William Shakespeare was a baby, and knew absolutely nothing. He couldn't even speak." And yet eventually, he became a literary superstar — among history's greatest authors. What happened in between? I'm not exaggerating when I attribute part of the transformation to magic. Vast amounts of hard work and help and luck were involved, too. But to change from a wordless, uncoordinated sprout to a potent, influential maestro, Taurus-born Shakespeare had to be the beneficiary of mysterious powers. I bring this up, Taurus, because I think you will have access to comparable mojo during the next four weeks.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): As talented and financially successful as Kanye West is, the Gemini singer-songwriter experiences a lot of emotional suffering. But no one lives an ideal life, right? And we can learn from everyone. In any case, I've chosen quotes by Kanye that are in rapt alignment with your astrological omens. Here they are: 1. "I'm in pursuit of awesomeness; excellence is the bare minimum." 2. "You're not perfect, but you're not your mistakes." 3. "I'm not comfortable with comfort. I'm only comfortable when I'm in a place where I'm constantly learning and growing." 4. "Everything I'm not makes me everything I am."
CANCER (June 21-July 22): "Any real ecstasy is a sign you are moving in the right direction," wrote philosopher Saint Teresa of Avila, who was renowned for her euphoric spiritual experiences. So is there any such thing as "fake ecstasy," as she implies? Maybe fake ecstasy would be perverse bliss at the misfortune of an enemy, or the trivial joy that comes from realizing your house keys aren't missing. Real ecstasy, on the other hand, might arise from a visceral sense of the presence of God, or the rapture that emerges as you make love with a person you care for, or the elation you feel when you commune with your favorite animal. Anyway, Cancerian, I predict that in the coming days, you will have an extra rich potential for the real kinds of rhapsodic delight and enchantment.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Leo actor Jennifer Lawrence portrayed a rugged, fierce, resourceful champion in The Hunger Games film trilogy. In real life, however, she has few resemblances to that stalwart hero. "I have the street smarts and survival skills of a poodle," she has confessed. But I've got potentially good news for her and all the rest of you Leos. The coming months will be a favorable time for you to cultivate the qualities of a rugged, fierce, resourceful champion. And right now would be an excellent time to launch your efforts.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Each of us periodically has to deal with conflict. There come times when we must face the fact that a specific situation in our lives isn't working well and needs to be adjusted, fixed, or transformed. We might prefer to pretend the problem doesn't exist. We may be inclined to endure the stressful discomfort rather than engage with its causes. But such an approach won't be right for you in the coming days, dear Virgo. For the sake of your mental and spiritual health, you have a sacred duty to bravely risk a struggle to improve things. I'll provide you with advice from novelist John Fowles. He said, "I must fight with my weapons. Not his. Not selfishness and brutality and shame and resentment." Fowles goes on to say that he will offer generosity and gentleness and no-shame and forgiveness.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): A blogger named MysteryOfWhat expressed appreciation for her errors and wrong turns. "I love all my mistakes!" she exclaimed. "I had fun!" She has a theory that she would not have been able to completely fulfill her interesting destiny without her blunders and her brilliant adjustments to those blunders. I won't encourage you to be quite so boisterously unconditional in celebrating your fumbles and miscues, Libra. My inclination is to urge you to honor them and feel grateful for them, but I'm not sure I should advise you to shout out, "I love all my mistakes! I had fun!" But what do you think?
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Scorpio poet Norman MacCaig wrote, "Ask me, go on, ask me to do something impossible, something freakishly useless, something unimaginable and inimitable like making a finger break into blossom or walking for half an hour in twenty minutes or remembering tomorrow." I hope people say things like that to you soon, Scorpio. I hope allies playfully nudge you to stretch your limits, expand your consciousness, and experiment on the frontier. To encourage such a development, you could do the same for your beloved allies: nudge them to stretch their limits, expand their consciousness, and experiment on the frontier.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): "Look at your body not as a source of physical attraction but as a shrine," wrote teacher Sobonfu Somé. Personally, I have no problem if you regard your body as a source of physical attraction — as a gorgeous, radiant expression of your life energy, worthy of inspiring the appreciation of others. But I agree with Somé that you should also treat your body as a sacred sanctuary deserving of your reverence — especially now. Please boost your intention to provide your beloved organism with all the tender care it needs and warrants.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): "It's surprising how much memory is built around things unnoticed at the time," writes author Barbara Kingsolver. Yes! I agree. And by providing you with this heads-up from her, I'm hoping that the subtly potent events unfolding for you in the coming weeks will not go unnoticed. I'm hoping you will be alert for seemingly small but in fact crucial developments — and thereby give them all the focus and intelligence they deserve. Later, you'll remember this delicately pivotal time with amazed gratitude.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): What's more important: to learn or to unlearn? The answer, of course, is they are equally important. But sometimes, the most crucial preparation for a new learning phase is to initiate a surge of unlearning. That's what I'm recommending for you right now. I foresee you embarking on a series of extravagant educational experiences in a couple of weeks. And the best way to ensure you take maximum advantage of the available lessons is by dumping useless knowledge and irrelevant information and numbing habits.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Singer-songwriter Jill Scott has earned one platinum and two gold records. She approaches her craft with diligence and intensity. On one occasion, she was frying a burger at her boyfriend's house when she sensed a new song forming in her imagination. Abandoning the stove, she ran into the next room to grab pen and paper. Soon she had transcribed the beginning of a melody and lyrics. In the meantime, though, the kitchen caught on fire. Luckily, she doused it. Later Jill testified, "His cabinets were charred, and he was furious. But it was worth it for a song." I don't think you'll have to make as big a sacrifice as hers in the coming days, Pisces. But you should respond robustly whenever inspiration arrives.
This week's homework: Every day for three days, seek out three experiences that will make you laugh a lot. Report results.
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