Free Will Astrology (July 28-Aug. 3)

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Free Will Astrology (July 28-Aug. 3)
James Noellert

ARIES: March 21 – April 19: What does it mean to feel real? Some people have a hard time doing that. They have such false ideas about who they are that they rarely feel real. Others are so distracted by trivial longings that they never have the luxury of settling into the exquisite at-home-ness of feeling real. For those fortunate enough to regularly experience this treasured blessing, feeling real isn't a vague concept. It's a vivid sensation of being conscious in one's body. When we feel real, we respond spontaneously, enjoy playing, and exult in the privilege of being alive. After studying your astrological potentials, Aries, I suspect that you now have an enhanced capacity to feel real.

TAURUS: April 20 – May 20: When she was a child, author Valerie Andrews visited her secret sanctuary at sunset every day for seven years. She lay on the ground among birch trees and aromatic privet plants, feeling "the steady rhythmic heartbeat of the earth" as she basked in the fading light. I'd love for you to enjoy the revitalizing power of such a shrine. The decisions you have to make will become clear as you commune with what Andrews calls "a rootlike umbilicus to the dark core of the land." Do you know of such a place? If not, I suggest you find or create one.

GEMINI: May 21 – June 20: I suspect that your immediate future will be a patchwork of evocative fragments. You may be both annoyed and entertained by a series of flashing attractions, or an array of pretty baubles, or a hubbub of tasks that all seem at least mildly worth doing. Chances are good that they will ultimately knit together into a crazy-quilt unity; they will weave into a pattern that makes unexpected sense. In the spirit of the spicy variety, I offer three quotes that may not seem useful to you yet, but will soon: (1) "Isn't it possible that to desire a thing, to truly desire it, is a form of having it?" —Galway Kinnell (2.) "It is not half so important to know as to feel." —Rachel Carson (3) "Like all explorers, we are drawn to discover what's out there without knowing yet if we have the courage to face it." —Pema Chödrön

CANCER: June 21 – July 22: A Tumblr blogger named Cece writes, "The fact that you can soak bread in sugar, eggs, cinnamon, and vanilla, then butter a pan and fry said bread to make a meal is really liberating." I agree. And I share this with you in the hope of encouraging you to indulge in other commonplace actions that will make you feel spacious and uninhibited. You're in a phase of your astrological cycle when you'll thrive on doing day-to-day details that excite your lust for life. Enjoying the little things to the utmost will be an excellent strategy for success.

LEO: July 23 – August 22: Leo poet Renée Ashley articulates a perspective I recommend you adopt. She writes, "I'm drawn to what flutters nebulously at the edges, at the corner of my eye — just outside my certain sight. I want to share in what I am routinely denied, or only suspect exists. I long for a glimpse of what is beginning to occur." With her thoughts as inspiration, I advise you to be hungry for what you don't know and haven't perceived. Expand your curiosity so that it becomes wildly insatiable in its quest to uncover budding questions and raw truths at the peripheries of your awareness.

VIRGO: August 23 – Sept. 22: "There are many things in your heart you can never tell to another person," declared Virgo actor Greta Garbo (1905–1990). "It is not right that you should tell them," she concluded. "You cheapen yourself, the inside of yourself, when you tell them." I presume Greta was being melodramatic. My attitude is the opposite of hers. If you find allies who listen well and who respect your vulnerability, you should relish telling them the secrets of your heart. To do so enriches you, deepens you, and adds soulful new meanings to your primary mysteries. The coming weeks will be a favorable time to seek this wise pleasure in abundance.

LIBRA: Sept. 23 – Oct. 22: Now is a fantastic time to seek out effervescent socializing and convivial gatherings and festive celebrations. If you surround yourself with lively people, you'll absorb the exact influences you need. May I suggest you host a fun event? If you do, you could send out invitations that include the following allures: "At my get-together, the featured flavors will be strawberry chocolate and impossibly delicious. There'll be magic vibrations and mysterious mood-enhancers. Liberating conversations will be strongly encouraged. Unpredictable revelations will be honored. If possible, please unload your fears and anxieties in a random parking lot before arriving."

SCORPIO: Oct. 23 – Nov. 21: Scorpio author Andrew Sean Greer writes, "As the Japanese will tell you, one can train a rose to grow through anything, to grow through a nautilus even, but it must be done with tenderness." I think that's a vivid metaphor for one of your chief tasks in the coming weeks, Scorpio: how to carefully nurture delicate, beautiful things as you coax them to ripen in ways that will bring out their sturdiness and resilience. I believe you now have an extra capacity for wielding love to help things bloom.

SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22 – Dec. 21: Suggested experiments to try soon: (1) Remember a past moment when you were touched with the sudden realization that you and a person you'd recently met were destined to fall in love. (2) Remember a past moment when you kissed someone for the first time. (3) Remember a past moment when someone told you they loved you for the first time or when you told someone you loved them for the first time. (4) Allow the feelings from the first three experiments to permeate your life for five days. See through the eyes of the person you were during those previous breakthroughs. Treat the whole world as expansively and expectantly as you did during those times.

CAPRICORN: Dec. 22 – Jan. 19: Capricorn poet Kenneth Rexroth was shirtless as he strolled along a rural road. To his delightful amazement, a fritillary butterfly landed on his shoulder, fluttered away, landed again, fluttered away — performed this dance numerous times. Nothing like this had ever happened to him. Later he wrote, "I feel my flesh / Has suddenly become sweet / With a metamorphosis / Kept secret even from myself." In the coming days, I'm expecting at least one comparable experience for you. Here's your homework: What sweet metamorphoses may be underway within you — perhaps not yet having reached your conscious awareness?

AQUARIUS: Jan. 20 – Feb. 18: "Each time we don't say what we want to say, we're dying." Aquarian artist and singer Yoko Ono said that. I will add a further nuance: Each time we're not aware of the feeling or experience or situation we want, we're dying. And these will be key themes now that you've entered the "I KNOW WHAT I WANT AND I KNOW HOW TO ASK FOR IT" phase of your cycle. The most healing and vivifying thing you can do during the next six weeks is to be precise about your desires.

PISCES: Feb.19 – March 20: In 1829, Piscean author Victor Hugo began work on his novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame. He had other projects, though, and by September 1830, he had made scant progress on Hunchback. Growing impatient, his publisher demanded that he finish the manuscript by February 1831. In response, Hugo virtually barricaded himself in his room to compel himself to meet the deadline. He even locked his clothes in a closet to prevent himself from going out. For the next five months, he wore only a gray shawl as he toiled nonstop. His stratagem worked! I recommend you consider trying a somewhat less rigorous trick to enforce your self-discipline in the coming weeks. There's no need to barricade yourself in your fortress. But I hope you will have fun taking stringent measures.

This week's homework: Send descriptions of your wildly hopeful dreams for the future. [email protected]

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