For us city folk, part of the draw of cider and doughnuts season is the 45-plus minute drive past the suburbs and strip malls to your choice of orchard where you can pick pumpkins, apples, and score a perfectly greasy bag of doughnuts and a fresh half-gallon of crisp and refreshing cider. But the trek is not always an option.
But before you hit the store, there’s a city slicker solution for our dire cider and doughnut needs. Cider in the City is returning to Detroit’s Beacon Park, bringing the orchard to the 313. (Well, minus the dirt, livestock, and cornfields.) The Downtown Detroit Partnership, DTE Beacon Park Foundation, and Blake’s Farms collab will take place Saturdays through Oct. 30 and will offer seasonal crafts, horse-drawn hayrides, live music, a selfie flower wall, pumpkin picking, food trucks, games, and, of course, cider and doughnuts. Though the Saturday events will offer cider and doughnuts for purchase, it’s recommended that you pre-order, which can be done up until Friday at noon each week.
Events take place from 1-5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 9, 16, 23, and 30 at Beacon Park; 1903 Grand River Ave., Detroit; ciderinthecity.com. Events are free to attend.
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