Rejoice Slurpee fanatics! Our favorite convenience store is celebrating its 50th birthday this weekend with TWO DAYS of Bring Your Own Cup.
For only $1.50, you can bring any sized cup (or object that can hold Slurpees, use your imagination) to any 7/11 and fill it up. The event runs Friday, March 18 from 11AM- 7PM, and Saturday, March 19 at the same times.
There are some rules to what cup you can bring. The cup must fit upright through a 10’’ hole, it has to be clean and food safe, and make sure you plug all the leaks. No one wants to clean up your dripping Slurpee.
Some examples that we’ve seen on the Internet: A hallowed out pineapple (or any fruit for that matter), a clean fishbowl, tupperware, a french press, giant buckets, and even a mailbox (no, we are not kidding).
And now, the only real way to celebrate something 7-11's doing: