Ask a Juggalo: What do you think is weird?

Your questions, answered by a Juggalo

May 13, 2015
Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

Q: A lot of mainstream people think Juggalos are weird. What do you think is weird?

A: I like that. At the end of the day, as Juggalos, we are very scrutinized, and we are very, very, very prejudged. We as Juggalos think it's weird that you have to do your hair a certain way because that's what the mainstream dictates to you. Or we as Juggalos think it's weird that instead of talking with each other and sharing music and sitting there and communicating and talking with each other, you go sit somewhere drinking coffee all by yourself and not even being able to interact with the social world anymore and be all feeling like you're drowning and having anxiety just because someone's trying in a real setting to interact with you. I definitely find it strange that we as Juggalos and Juggalettes can meet up at the Gathering of Juggalos and come across thousands of unique people that you have never met before and interact with those people instantaneously and enjoy yourself and strength in numbers and have a bunch of fun, but, in the mainstream, that would be weird and very stranger-danger, as far as, like, you must have some kind of an angle, you must be some kind of weirdo, that you already predetermined in your mainstream mind, "Well, I don't know you." And whether you think you're better than that person or that you're not gonna be able to get along with that person ... you're already ruling a bunch of magical things out by having that predetermination and not giving it a shot.