Ask a Juggalo: What is the origin of the Psycho Bitch apparel for Juggalettes?

Jun 3, 2015 at 1:00 am
Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

Q: What is the origin of the Psycho Bitch apparel for Juggalettes?

A: Well, there's tons of 'lettes out there, and these Juggalettes need to have the fucking clothing as well. And Psycho Bitch is just another very fresh coin trademark that is just another one of the many unique ideas coming out of Hatchet Gear. That's ICP's clothing brand and their own complete mass merchandise mania. Their Juggalette clothing wear started off slow, because there's nothing wrong with a Juggalette rocking whatever the hell she wants. But, just flat-out, Juggalettes deserve fresh-ass hookups just like Juggalos. There's nothing wrong with a Juggalette rocking what would be deemed a Juggalo's clothing. Can't really say it goes both ways, but I'm sure in some walks, I guess, the Juggalos wear the Juggalette "hot chick" fucking outfits and whatnot.

Q: Are there any openly gay or lesbian Juggalos?

A: Well, sure. There are all walks of life, you know what I mean? No doubt about it. To each their own, and it's great that that is completely accepted. I am completely what they would call straight, but to me it's such an open-minded family. I've never personally witnessed any kind of negativity at all with someone's sexual creed, race, religion — that's never a topic and that's never been an opposition in anything I've attended. And believe me when I say I really enjoyed participating in live activities for a ridiculous amount of time, well over 20 years, you know? The maturity level has really risen. The respect level is over the top. It has definitely evolved, and it has definitely gone in the more mature, understanding, respectful direction.