A selection of upcoming artistic happenings in and around Detroit

A selection of upcoming artistic happenings

Sep 17, 2014 at 1:00 am
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With an internationally acclaimed institution like the Detroit Institute of Arts housing its veritable trove of treasures — and new indie galleries for local artists seemingly popping up every day — Detroit really does have a vibrant, world-class art scene. Which is why we knew it would be a fool’s errand to attempt to neatly document and categorize for our annual Fall Art Guide. Instead, here’s a taste of what’s coming up in the fall season and beyond. You’ll find happenings of all sorts, from some big names at the DIA to burlesque to artist lectures. Have any tips on upcoming arts happenings? Send them to [email protected]!

art exhibits

Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center \\ 1516 S Cranbrook Rd., Birmingham; 248-644-0866; bbartcenter.org. Adaptation: Transforming Books Into Art Features the work of 17 local and international artists transform books into sculptural objects. Sept. 19-Nov. 7. Mp>Café 1923 \\ 2287 Holbrook, Hamtramck Crystal Mielcarek: September Soda Pop; Sept. 21-Nov. 1.

Carr Center \\ 311 East Grand Blvd., Detroit. Poetry and Print: Expression from Detroit and Brazil Sept. 5-Oct. 5.

Pictures from Another Room Oct. 22-Nov. 28.

My Detroit Jan. 12-Mar. 2.

College for Creative Studies: Center Galleries \\ 301 Frederick Douglass,
Detroit; 313-664-7800; collegeforcreativestudies.edu.

GILDA! Tribute to CCS’s and Detroit’s beloved art guru Gilda Snowden (1954-2014), Center Galleries is honored to present a gathering of her recent works to celebrate and honor this most amazing artist, woman, teacher, mentor, worker, friend, wife, and mother; Oct. 4-25.

Ed Fella: History, Commercial Art, Art and the American Vernacular Nov. 7-Dec. 13

Director’s Choice: Art on Art Jan.-Feb. 2015.

Corktown Studios \\ 2707 14th St., Detroit; 517-304-0734; corktownstudios.com.

Indian Summer Celebration of the waning summer featuring performances by 13 artists hailing from Detroit, New York, Chicago and Cincinnat; Sept. 20, 2-9 p.m.

Revival Group Exhibition in Coordination with the Mid-American Print Conference: Print City Sept. 26-27, 6-9 p.m. Yesterday’s News: Solo Exhibition by Alisyn Malek Oct. 11, 6-9 p.m.

Cranbrook Museum of Art \\ 39221 Woodward Ave., Bloomfield Hills; 248-645-3320; cranbrookart.edu. Lauren Kalman, Coveted Objects First Michigan solo show by this Detroit-based metalsmith. Through Oct. 19.

David Klein Gallery \\ 163 Townsend St., Birmingham; 248-433-3700; dkgallery.com. Kristin Beaver Sept. 26-Oct. 25.

Detroit Artists Market \\ 4719 Woodward Ave., Detroit; 313-832-8540; detroitartistsmarket.org. Abstraction and Landscape: Contemporary Woodcut Sept. 12-Oct. 18.

Detroit Institute of Arts \\ 5200 Woodward Ave., Detroit; 313-833-7900; dia.org. Ordinary People by Extraordinary Artists: Works on Paper by Degas, Renoir, and Friends Sept. 19-Mar. 29. Photographs from the Detroit Walk-In Portrait Studio by Corine Vermeulen Nov. 14-May 17. Make a Joyful Noise: Renaissance Art and Music at Florence Cathedral Feb. 6-May 17. Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Detroit Mar. 15-July 12.

Elaine L. Jacob Gallery \\ Wayne State University. Chagoya/Goya: MAPC Conference Through Oct. 4. Pale Menagerie, or Artwork Not About Love Co-curated by Jaime Marie Davis and Katie McGowan; Oct. 24-Dec. 12 What Else is New Jan. 16-Mar. 27 How to Return Apr. 17-June 26

Ellen Kayrod Gallery \\ 4750 Woodward Ave., Detroit; 313-833-1300 ext. 11; kayrodgallery.org. MAP Printmakers Exhibition Through Oct. 15. Intergenerational Watercolor Opening Reception Oct. 24-Nov. 28. It All Comes From Detroit Dec. 5-Jan. 16.

Inner State Gallery \\ 1410 Gratiot Ave., Detroit; 313-744-6505; innerstategallery.com. Spoiled Rotten: A collection of artwork and sculpture by David “MEGGS” Hooke Sept. 19 Spirit: Tyree Guyton Oct. 17 Remix from Above Nov. 21

Library Street Collective \\ 1260 Library Street, Detroit. Dave Kinsey Starts Sept. 27.

MOCAD \\ 4454 Woodward Ave., Detroit;
313-832-6622; mocadetroit.org. People’s Biennial Examines the work of artists and other creative individuals, who operate outside the conventional art world. Through Jan. 4. Detroit Affinities featuring the artwork of John Maggie Through Jan. 4. Detroit Affinities featuring the artwork of Jamian Juliano-Villani Feb. 6-Mar. 29.

Midtown Museum of Photography & New Media \\ 4130 Cass Ave., Suite C, Detroit; detroitmona.com. The Gao Brothers: Dissidents Abroad Evading Chinese censorship, the Gao Brothers challenge authority through sculpture, painting, performance, and photography; through Oct. 17.

Museum of Photography and New Media \\ 2501 Rochester Court, Troy; 248-210-7560; detroitmona.com. Elene Usdin: Awake While I am Dreaming Exhibition of work from this French illustrator-turned-photographer. Through Oct. 12.

Motor City Art Center \\ 4468 3rd St. , Detroit; 313-320-1532; mcacdetroit.com . Black and White: a photography show featuring Kevin Hanson and Saffell Gardner Oct. 3 . Monthly Burlesque Oct. 24. Rising Sunn: a new series of original paintings by Donald Anderson Nov. 7. MAC Holiday Extravaganza: Unique Gifts for Under $100.00 Dec. 6. A new original collection of abstract paintings by Harald Allen, Jan. 9.

Motor City Brewing Works \\ 470 W Canfield St., Detroit; 313-832-2700; motorcitybeer.com. This Week in Art: Watercolors 2013-2014 by Michael Matias Sept. 17-24.

N’Namdi Center for Contemporary Art \\ 52 E Forest Ave., Detroit; 313-831-8700; nnamdicenter.com. Interior Man: Herbert Gentry & His Contemporaries Through Jan. 3. Detroit Connections: Women Printmakers and Their Mentors Sep.24-27. Elements of Whimsy: Adnan Charara Through Oct. 25.

Paul Kotula Projects \\ 23255 Woodward Ave., Ferndale. Jim Chatelain and Peter Williams Sept. 20-Oct. 25. Kathleen McShane Nov. 8-Dec. 20. Laith Karmo Nov. 8-Dec. 20.

Post-Hab Gallery \\ 3600 Heidelberg St., Detroit; 313-974-6894 heidelberg.org. Cycle 3 (Artist TBA) This new gallery in the Heidelberg’s Number House features a new artist every month. Opens Oct. 3.

Public Pool Artspace \\ 3309 Caniff, Hamtramck. The Last Record Shop Through Oct. 18.

Re:View Contemporary \\ 444 West Willis, Detroit; 313-833-9000; reviewcontemporary.com. Tim van Laar Sept. 6- Oct. 11. Ed Fraga Oct. 25-Nov. 29. Re:Collect Dec. 6-26. Matthew Zacharias Jan. 17-Feb. 28. River’s Edge Gallery \\ 3024 Biddle, Wyandotte; 734-246-9880; artattheedge.com. Breath Fire. Drink Water. Repeat. Featuring new works by Ingrid Blixt, Audrey Pongracz & Corey Scillian Sept. 5- 0ct. 6, reception Sept. 19. Shadows & Passages Barbara Melnik Carson,Marianne Letasi & Nancy Pitel Oct 17-Nov 17, reception Oct. 17. Virgo Rising Martine MacDonald & Patricia Izzo Nov 21-Dec. 31, reception Nov. 2. New Works by Leo Kuschel Dec. 1-Jan. 6 2015, reception Dec. 19.

Scarab Club \\ 217 Farnsworth St., Detroit; 313-831-1250; scarabclub.org. United States Collects the works of three couples (Renee Dooley and Matt Breneau, Meighen and Bill Jackson, and Julie and Michael Mahoney). Runs through Oct. 18. Start Gallery \\ 206 E Grand River, Detroit; 313-909-2845 startgallery.net. Detroit Kiss City: Art tribute to the band Kiss Sept. 20-Oct. 11. Jump in the Fire II Oct. 18-Nov. 8.

Trinosophes \\ 1464 Gratiot Ave., Detroit; 313-737-6606; trinosophes.com. Power to the Vanguard: Original Printed Materials From Revolutionary Movements Around the World 1963-1987 Oct. 17-Dec. 28.

University of Michigan Museum of Art \\ 525 S State St., Ann Arbor; 734-764-0395; umma.umich.edu. Reductive Minimalism: Women Artists in Dialogue, 1960-2014 Oct. 4-Jan. 25. Fred Tomaselli: The Times Oct. 4-Jan. y 25. Detroit before the Automobile: The William L. Clements Library Collection Oct. 18-Jan. 18. Suspended Moments: Photographs from the David S. Rosen Collection Oct. 25-Feb. 15. Guido van der Werve: Nummer veertien, home Dec. 13-Apr. 26. Flip Your Field: Objects from the Collection Jan. 24-May 31. HE: The Hergott Shepard Photography Collection Feb. 14-June 14. Mine More Coal: War Effort and Americanism in World War I Posters May 9-Sept. 20.

WassermanProjects \\ 2163 Cole St., Birmingham; 248-220-4628; wassermanprojects.com. Gerhardt Knodel: Let the Games Begin Sept. 20-Nov. 7.
 Wayne State University Gallery \\ 150 Art Building, Detroit; 313-993-7813 art.wayne.edu. MAPC Print Conference Exhibitions Sept. 12-Oct. 17. Rosenthal Exhibition Nov. 7-Dec. 19. Graduating Seniors Exhibition Jan. 23-Feb. 13. MFA Graduate Exhibition Feb. 27-Mar. 20. Tri-County Exhibition Mar. 27-Apr. 10. Undergraduate Exhibition Apr. 24-May 22 .

Wayne State University \\ McGregor Memorial Conference Center, 495 Ferry Mall, Detroit; 313-577-2400; wayne.edu. Berg/Broner Sculpture and Prints by WSU Mid-Century Modernists Sept. 22-27.

Whitdel Arts \\ 1250 Hubbard, Suite B1, Detroit; 313-338-9839; whitdelarts.com. Print City Conference Exhibitions with Jennifer Williams, Bill Hosterman and Matthew Hunt Sept. 12-Oct. 18. Day of the Dead Offering to El Santo, El Enmascarado de Plata with Gabrielle Pescador & Jua Javier Pescador Nov. 1-29.


Detroit Symphony Orchestra \\ Max M. Fisher Music Center, 3711 Woodward Ave., Detroit; 313-576-5111; dso.org. Ben Folds with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra Oct. 15. Cirque de la Symphonie Jan. 10-11. Tchaikovsky Festival Feb. 12-Mar. 1.

Michigan Opera Theatre \\ Detroit Opera House 1526 Broadway, Detroit; 313-961-3500; michiganopera.org. Elektra Oct. 18-26. Madame Butterfly Nov. 15-23. The Merry Widow Apr. 11-19. Faust May 9-17.


Michigan Opera Theatre \\ Detroit Opera House 1526 Broadway, Detroit; 313-961-3500; michiganopera.org. Houston Ballet: Giselle Nov. 1-2 BalletMet Columbus: The Nutcracker Nov. 28-30. Eisenhower Dance: The Light Show Jan. 31. Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Mar. 19-22.

Music Hall Center for the Performing Arts and Jazz Café \\ 350 Madison, Detroit; 313-887-8501; musichall.org. Parsons Dance Oct. 12 4 p.m., $30-$50. The Royal Ballet Of Cambodia Nov. 6 8 p.m., $30-$50. The Soulful Nutcracker Nov. 28-29 8 p.m., $30-$50. The Russian Classical Ballet: The Nutcracker Dec. 13 8 p.m., $30-$50. Jessica Lang Dance Apr. 17 8 p.m., $30-$50.

Tangent Gallery \\ 715 E Milwaukee St., Detroit; 313-873-2955; tangentgallery.com. 2014 Michigan Burlesque Festival Sept. 19-20


Catwalk Detroit \\ The Garden Theater: 3929 Woodward Ave., Detroit 313-832-0888; catwalkdetroit.com; Oct. 12.

Fashion Speak 2014 \\ One Woodward Building, 1 Woodward Ave., Detroit; 248-722-8407; detroitgarmentgroup.org. One-day fashion conference presented by Taubman and the Detroit Garment Guild. Oct. 16.

Michigan Fashion Week \\ Various locations; michiganfashionweek.com. Networking for talent in the fashion field, from designers to photographers to models. Sept. 24-27.


Arab American National Museum \\
13624 Michigan Ave., Dearborn 313-582-2266 arabamericanmuseum.org. Dancing in Jaffa screening and talk with director Pierre Dulaine. Wednesday Sept. 24 7 p.m.

College for Creative Studies \\
Wendell W. Anderson Jr. Auditorium, 301 Frederick Douglass, Detroit; 313-664-7800. collegeforcreativestudies.edu. Carmela Spinelli Spinelli is a fashion historian and coordinator of International Special Projects at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Sept. 24 6 p.m.

College for Creative Studies A. Alfred Taubman Center \\ 485 W. Milwaukee St., 11th Floor; 313-664-7800; collegeforcreativestudies.edu. Detroit Made Panel Discussion Join the Detroit Technology Exchange and Diana Budds, editor of Dwell magazine, for this discussion with representatives of Detroit’s design and manufacturing industries. Sept. 24 2-4 p.m.

Detroit Institute of Arts \\ 5200 Woodward Ave., Detroit; 313-833-7900; dia.org. The Artist’s Garden: American Impressionism and the Garden Movement 1887-1920 Many important American Impressionists both created gardens and painted them. Anna O. Marley, curator of historical American art, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, will talk about painters at work in different gardens, with particular attention to Maria Oakey and her husband, Thomas Wilmer Dewing. Oct. 5, 2 p.m. African Arts Recognition Award: Margaret H. Demant ... The Friends of African and African American Art honor art collector Margaret H. Demant with the 2014 African Arts Recognition Award for her decades of exemplary service to the Detroit Institute of Arts and for her extraordinary contributions to the collecting of African art. Sponsored by the Friends of African and African American Art. Oct. 12-2 p.m.

The Buzz: Critical Conversations in Contemporary Art Whitney .... Biennial curator Michelle Grabner and artist Kevin Beasley, a graduate of the College for Creative Studies and Yale University, will discuss graduate school and biennials. They will consider how the themes, artworks and language of biennials influence contemporary studio practice. Sponsored by Friends of Modern and Contemporary Art and Woodward Lecture Series at College for Creative Studies. Oct. 1, 5-7 p.m.

Women on Stage: Toulouse-Lautrec and the Entertainments of Paris ... Paris in the 1890s was a city bursting with entertainment, and women were at the center of it. No one captured their performances with more panache and sensitivity than Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Mary Weaver Chapin, curator of graphic arts, Portland Art Museum, explores Toulouse-Lautrec’s prints, drawings, and posters of women of the stage, from distinguished actress Marcel Lender to the innovative dancer Loïe Fuller, to now-forgotten performers with evocative names like Mademoiselle Pois Vert (Miss Green Pea).Oct. 24 7 p.m. Photographing the Detroit Community ... Join photographer Corine Vermeulen, WSU professor Jerry Herron, and other Detroiters for an informal conversation about Vermeulen’s work in the exhibition Photographs from the Detroit Walk-In Portrait Studio. Sponsored by the Forum for Prints, Drawings and Photographs. Nov. 13, 7 p.m.

Resonances: Degas and Gauguin Across the Arts. .. University of Maryland professor Jane Hargrove examines the influence of and relationship between Edgar Degas and Paul Gauguin and how their shared ideas are reflected in their art. Central to this is the way some of Degas’ idiosyncratic practices emerge in Gauguin’s work across painting, sculpture, and the decorative arts. There is a ticket charge, which includes the lecture, a reception and tour of the exhibition Ordinary People by Extraordinary Artists: Works on Paper by Degas, Renoir and Friends. For more information, call 313-833-1720. Sponsored by the Visiting Committee for European Sculpture and Decorative Arts, Forum for Prints, Drawings and Photographs and the Alliance Française de Grosse Pointe. Nov. 20, 6 p.m.

Are Artists 21st-Century Entrepreneurs? Sarah Thornton, author of Seven Days in the Art World, asks: “Is being an artist a radical form of entrepreneurship or a vocational calling like the priesthood? Is it an extension of philosophy or an offshoot of entertainment?” in her most recent book, 33 Artists in 3 Acts, which will be released in November. Sponsored by Friends of Modern and Contemporary Art . Nov. 23, 6 p.m.

Ellen Kayrod Gallery \\ 4750 Woodward Ave., Detroit; 313-833-1300, ext. 11; kayrodgallery.org. Letterpress Archeology Project Exhibition featuring work by Justin Barfield and “Rust City” Danielle Denha Sept. 26.

MOCAD \\ 4454 Woodward Ave., Detroit; 313-832-6622; mocadetroit.org. Amie Siegel, Uncommon Odysseys For the past decade and a half, Amie Siegel has worked between film, installation, photography, and performance, questioning the tropes of cinematic forms. Her work investigates issues concerning cultural memory, identity, and the cinematic portrayal of place. Oct. 18, 1 p.m.

Random International: What It Isn’t London-based Random International is a collaborative studio for experimental creative practice, best known for the immersive installation Rain Room. Founders Stuart Wood, Flo Ortkrass, Hannes Koch and their colleagues take science as a means to develop a new material vocabulary, with work that invites consideration of the man/machine relationship through explorations of behavior and natural phenomena, with the viewer an active participant. Oct. 24, 7 p.m.

Anab Jain, Superflux, Design for Anxious Times Anab Jain is a designer, filmmaker, and founder of the London-and-India-based design studio Superflux, which she runs in partnership with Jon Ardern. Jain wants designers to adopt new roles as sense-makers, translators and agent provocateurs who can open up an informed dialogue that will help shape better futures for everyone. Friday, Nov.14, 2014, 6 p.m. Renée Hoogland, A Violent Embrace Join WSU professor renée c. hoogland for a conversation about art and its operations in the world, inspired by hoogland’s recent book A Violent Embrace: Art and Aesthetics after Representation. Participants: Lynn Crawford (author), Lindsay Pollock (Art in America), and others. Nov. 19, 7 p.m.

U-D Mercy School of Architecture \\
4001 McNichols Rd., Detroit; 313-993-1245; udmercy.edu. Michael Ford of Flad Architects and Brandnu Design will present a lecture on hip-hop architecture in conjunction with an exhibition exploring the development of hip-hop in postindustrial America, an outdoor light installation and a street art exhibit from TAP Gallery in Southwest Detroit. Sept. 24, 5:30 p.m.


Culture Days \\ Various locations Windsor culuredays.ca. Canadian festival fosters appreciation and support of the artistic and cultural life in urban, suburban, and rural areas alike. Sept. 26-28.

The Hamtramck Neighborhood Arts Festival \\ Various locations, Hamtramck. A one-day arts festival. Maps are available at the Public Pool Artspace 3309 Caniff, Hamtramck. Oct. 11.

College for Creative Studies \\
Wendell W. Anderson, Jr. Auditorium, 301 Frederick Douglass, Detroit; 313-664-7800; collegeforcreativestudies.edu. Moving Pictures College for Creative Studies presents an annual juried screening of student work. The screening will include work from video art students and animation students, and game art students. Sept. 26, 7-8 p.m.

With an internationally acclaimed institution like the Detroit Institute of Arts housing its veritable trove of treasures — and new indie galleries for local artists seemingly popping up every day — Detroit really does have a vibrant, world-class art scene. Which is why we knew it would be a fool's errand to attempt to neatly document and categorize for our annual Fall Art Guide. Instead, here's a taste of what's coming up in the fall season and beyond. You'll find happenings of all sorts, from some big names at the DIA to burlesque to artist lectures. Have any tips on upcoming arts happenings? Send them to [email protected]!

Eastern Market After Dark \\ Various locations, detroitdesignfestival.com. This self-guided evening tour provides an opportunity for guests to explore more than 30 creative venues. Eastern Market is often recognized as the food hub of Detroit. After dark a different vibe takes over the neighborhood. The night tour will open the doors to studios, galleries, artists’ residencies, hacker spaces, shops and letterpress studios. Sept. 25, 7-11 p.m.

Linkage Design \\ 112 S. Main St., #200, Royal Oak 248-268-2777 linkage-d.com. Dine, Wine, and Design Networking night for 3D and transportation designers. Sept. 26. Must RSVP by Sept. 19.

Makers & Doers Festival \\
Oakland Co. Fairgrounds, 12451 Andersonville Rd., Davisburg; 734-459-0050 makersanddoersfestival.com.Features more than 125 exhibitors, from artists to food trucks. Sept. 27-28.

Signal-Return \\ 4750 Woodward Ave., 1345 Division St., Detroit; 313-567-8970 signalreturnpress.org. Type-Oh!-Rama Fundraising event for Eastern Market print studio. Sept. 19, 8 p.m.-midnight. mt