In response to Allie Gross' Feb. 27 blog post, "Docs reveal Flint's EM agreed to buy $1M worth of extra water from the KWA — this was never about saving money," Ed posted:
It seems as if Snyder and his tools-on-the-take were ready to squeeze beleaguered Flint a bit more to benefit their suburban civic and business buds. The KWA needed Flint in, and at a ridiculously high water volume, to make the deal even come close to making sense. This has a bit of a Chinatown feel to it, with a little less cunning noir.
When the reality of actual cost came in, they felt that they could sock it to the poors immediately. Later on would be later on, and someone else's problem. Snyder damn well knew what he was doing, and damn well knew the cost projections used to initially sell the deal were seriously understated.
The crass neo-libs, mostly Republican, some Democrat, are probably surprised, after so much success in past years (starting with the steaming-pusbag Engler), that the music has stopped. Their dismantling of our public goods had gone on uninterrupted for so long, that it must have seemed like their "good times" would never end.
Even the most evangelical religious types, fixated on abortions, Muslims, and "welfare queens," in pulling their collective head out of their ass to breathe, would have to notice how they've been played. Suburban moms and dads and singles who pretend that this isn't their problem would have to notice that this is all part of a larger plan, meant to benefit very few.
Yeah, that ain't gonna fuckin' happen. But it is good to know that there is a critical mass of action driven by a smaller number of dedicated, aware individuals to ensure that the greed heads are called out, and oh-so-appropriately "brought to heel."
And Maia C posted:
Putting this report with the Metro Times' Jan. 25 report that DWSD had offered Flint a contract that was cheaper than the KWA contract, I finally see an explanation for why Kurtz didn't just push the new water system, but was so impatient to get Flint off its old water source. It's looking exactly like Kurtz switched Flint's water system to the Flint River because he needed to sever the relationship with DWSD before DWSD's offers of cheaper contracts could scuttle his plan to use Flint as a cash cow for KWA.
In response to Michael Jackman's Feb. 26 blog post "New Detroit marijuana dispensary laws set to take effect," Matthew Primeau posted:
We live in Monroe, and we could go to Ann Arbor, where they settled this stuff years ago unlike Detroit. I agree it is out of control, but the prices in Ann Arbor make it hard for us to afford our meds. So what am I supposed to do? Get hooked on pills or heroin instead of what I have used for years? You make me sick, Detroit. When I had a chance to move back four years ago, I decided to move 30 miles south, where EMS shows up when you call. Police too. There are so many bigger problems than weed. But, hey, the new Detroit leadership doesn't want my money. Maybe I will drive to Flint once a month and stock up. There are many people I know that have kicked crack and heroin with the use of concentrates (shatter, wax, etc.) but they say how dangerous these powerful meds are. (In the wrong hands, sure.)
I also blame the crooked dispensaries that have been letting people in without cards and stuff. I had one try to let me in without my cards. I made damn sure they put me in the computer. If you don't sign up when you go in, and they say they are paperless, be worried, people. They are crooks.
Not everyone can drive to Ann Arbor or Flint like we can, and I think it is bull that only a Detroit resident can vote on it. The county of Monroe is, like many others, cowards, and so wrong for not providing me for my meds. Each one of the counties in Michigan should have at least one dispensary. I think 30-40 would be a good number for Detroit; 200 is just stupid, and shame on you greedy dispensary owners for tipping the city's hand. I just got my card and now I am facing this.
I pray this is settled I had planned to go to my usual place on the March 3. I hope it doesn't end up with a closed door with a nuisance-abatement sticker for violations of Councilman Tate's war on our meds.
In response to the same article, Avatar posted:
It's funny how people are so concerned with the amount of dispensaries opening, but are hush on the hundreds of liquor stores that are all over Detroit, some of which attract criminal activity (which people are so concerned about with the marijuana dispensaries).