How to take your high to the next level with an awesome cannabis trip in Michigan

Sleeping Bear Dunes.
Sleeping Bear Dunes.

Michigan is fucking beautiful. We are blessed to have the Great Lakes, Detroit River, and the forests of the Upper Peninsula in our own backyards. Of course, you can appreciate these waterfalls, lakes, and dunes when you’re not high, but smoking a fatty from a hammock surrounded by trees and lakes makes us feel more grounded. So here are our picks for the best places to become one with Michigan’s sprawling nature when you’re high. (We shouldn’t have to say this but use common sense when you visit these spots and don’t drive while high. Don’t be a jerk with your ashes either.)

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Isle Royale Isle Royale is another remote island offering quiet camping and hiking in the untouched wilderness with views of Lake Superior. The island has cozy cabins and if the weather cooperates you may be able to catch the aurora borealis. Come well prepared with supplies and watch out for moose.

Isle Royale

Isle Royale is another remote island offering quiet camping and hiking in the untouched wilderness with views of Lake Superior. The island has cozy cabins and if the weather cooperates you may be able to catch the aurora borealis. Come well prepared with supplies and watch out for moose.
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